Selena Yaghoubi, Staff writer
Julie King, Photographer
Everyone has been a freshman at one point in their life, but do you really know what it felt like on the first couple of days for our new barons? We all know that it was rough the first day of school. If you asked any upperclassman you would find that they would tell you that it was their worst day of their lives. The truth can only come from a true freshman that actually went through the entire day and answered some questions that could only be answered by a freshman.

“There were a lot of freshmen, but they were all enthusiastic and very friendly!” Nathalie Huynh (’15) responded. “It was very terrifying but it was fun because I got to meet lots of new people!”

“I thought that the upperclassmen were cool and I couldn’t wait to get to know them better,” said Noelle Yith (’15).
“The halls were overcowded with students! There are so many students!” Alison Marlow (’15) explained, “I’m really glad to be at this high school.”
Welcome to Fountain Valley High School, Freshmen!