America’s two party system has served us well presenting voters with a large variety of candidates who vastly differ in their views and truly connect with the American people. Despite George Washington’s ridiculous warning to beware of the political party, the system has worked to perfection in America. We definitely have the freedom to choose from the entire spectrum that is our colorful and varied political world. That is of course the freedom to choose between blue and red. Only two colors? Well, let me introduce you to the black and white reality.
Hopefully, you were able to discern the sarcasm of that description. And unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few decades, you know that America is being scammed by the two party system into a black and white choice. This system could even be considered one gray blob, as its two parties merely change colors such that the public can feel they have variety.
So, what’s the difference between our current president and the host of Republican candidates trying to nab his job? Well the difference is a few trillions dollars in spending, gay rights vs. no rights, pro-choice vs. life, high taxes on the wealthy vs. low taxes on the wealthy, and health care (although the Republicans want there fair share of government welfare too). But really, there is not much difference between red and blue when you look closer.
What’s not different across party lines ? Well, a success from either party would still leave America at war in the Middle East, an economy wavering over recession, and a nation with debt and inflation. The federal regulations would not change, nor would the increasing police state with the highest incarceration rate in the world at 2.5 million. All we have is the two party system with Democrats and Republicans…right?
There’s a good chance that the average high school kid does not know his name; there’s also a good chance that the average American does not know it. His name is Ron Paul, he represents the third choice right now that Americans have in their two-party system. Of course he is “part” of that two-party system but it is no secret to him, his competitors or his supporters that he is a revolutionary of both parties. Let’s revisit the similarities between the parties and see how Ron Paul does. Ron Paul has stated repeatedly and consistently to not fight foreign wars of aggression and to bring American troops home and saves both lives and trillions of dollars, and not mention the increase in diplomatic and peaceful negotiations. Ron Paul has stated that the government needs to get out of the way of the economy and allow producers to cease fearing the uncertainty of government intervention. Most importantly Ron Paul is the only candidate who will fervently control inflation, and the debt issue by attacking its source, the Federal Reserve.
There is a choice this election. Dr.Paul has a large following of youthful and dedicated followers, Ron Paul has raised most of his money out of grass roots campaigning; compared to the millions other candidates receive from corporations and wealthy individuals. Ron Paul has been shunned by the media and there is a good reason that the majority of Americans may not have heard of him, or know his stance. Do not be ignorant of the choices in 2012. America is prided on the fact that its citizens have millions of choices every day, and presidential candidates should be no different than the choices we have for fast food. Research the issues, the candidates, and their views and make an informed decision, do not sit idly by, America and the world are at a turning point in history. In this election, don’t feel limited to two eerily similar primary colors.
Great article.
Paul is only candidate who is not pro-bail out, and pro-war.
Loved it, but only a very small minority of the school will be able to vote. Definitely agreed with the futility of political parties.
Interesting article and I really enjoyed it.
If you could help me understand, i was wondering why the media shuns Ron Paul
Well for one thing its a very good question that I myself ask frequently because to me he makes great news and adds variety to what I see as a very boring and melodramatic procces.
However I believe it is because the media does not respect either the ideas of Ron Paul, or his candidacy for president regardless of the fact that in terms of a base his is most loyal and excited. Also Ron Paul is a revolutionary as I mentioned and I truly believe that he poses a threat to the establishment. Of course that is a personal skepticism, but if we look at the more popular commentators like and O’Reilly they seem to put him down and not truthfully sit down and analyze Paul’s ideas, they dismiss him without a strong discussion.
Thanks for the question, I enjoy good discussion, shoot more if you want.