The Caught Being Good reward has actually managed to spice up the otherwise mundane morning announcements. A person who exhibits good behavior (such as returning lost valuable possessions) gets his or her name announced to the school in an exaggerated, grandiose manner.
Not only does the person get recognition from the whole school, but a day is also named after them (rather than a Terrific Tuesday, it could be Theresa Tuesday). Despite the corny attempt to encourage the students to engage in more ethical conduct, Caught Being Good has been refreshingly entertaining to listen to.
This came as a really big surprise to me who sat in third period expecting another boring, newsy speech by our very peppy ASB speakers (who do try to make the given information sound as interesting as possible). Then, out of nowhere, the announcement shifts to some odd set-up to announce the new star on our campus who was caught being good.
A recent one was in recognition of Tom Lai, who was introduced being good when the speakers said, “Time for a Word Lesson, Barons[!] Webster’s dictionary defines the word CATCH as a verb, meaning to seize or capture, especially after pursuit. The word can also describe the action of interception or seizure, as in ‘I caught a fly ball at the baseball game.’ But we all know it’s most prominent use around our campus. And that’s in the past tense, pronounced CAUGHT. As in, ‘When you see Tom Lai walking from class to class, just know that earlier this week he was CAUGHT… BEING GOOD!’”
The best part of the announcement is the reaction. The confused what-on-earth-just-happened expression turns to laughter at the randomness of Caught Being Good. The bonding with our peers through the adorably ridiculous reward brings an unexpected sense of school spirit with this FVHS-wide inside joke.
FVHS is introducing some new and exciting rewards to deserving students this year, first with Barons for Life and now with Caught Being Good. The school year is off to a great start, and we Barons are anticipating more great ways to be involved and recognized in FVHS.
How precious! This is an amazing way for students at FVHS to be motivated! Great idea!
It’s embarrassing, but I’m glad there is some benefit to it! And thanks for recognizing our attempt to make the pages of boring information somewhat interesting. That means a lot!
Knowing that these students’ recognition is also appreciated makes me much more comfortable with continuing saying these little excerpts! Thank you for your opinion!