Lights, a Canadian singer/songwriter whose music is often compared to that of Owl City, released her second full-length album, Siberia, on October 4. Siberia differs from her first full-length album, The Listening, in that it has slightly grittier tunes but it develops an overall happier picture of Lights.
The Listening exuded a very vibrant aura with its perfectly-paced and sweet-sounding melodies. Siberia isn’t so perfect but shows listeners another side of Lights, one that fans of her previous work will probably find just as brilliant. You can really tell how Lights’ music has changed from the album artwork of the two albums: The Listening is bright purple and yellow, while Siberia is black and white with just a hint of red in the album’s title.
For those who have not yet heard Lights’ music, Siberia could be most commonly categorized as pop, but it has an indie feel and the lyrics are more personal and meaningful than mainstream pop songs. The title song, “Siberia,” is cheerful and hopeful and sets an energetic tone for the rest of the album. Some other notable songs include “Where the Fence is Low” and “Toes.”
As for why the album is called “Siberia”, Lights says on her website, iamlights.com, that “It’s based on something that was said to me, that we could be happy even in a place like Siberia. It was such an inspiring thing to say, because Siberia is cold and a little daunting and represents unfamiliar territory.”
If you like pop or just want to listen to something new or different, check out Siberia by Lights.