I can easily say that The Drowsy Chaperone is THE best show I’ve ever seen at APA (Academy of the Performing Arts)…and APA has produced some top-notch shows. This review would go on for pages and pages if I touched on every amazing aspect of the performance, so I can only name a few.
The actors were exquisite (as always) and fully developed each individual character. There was not a single character, or actor for that matter, I was not fond of. I was at the edge of my seat the whole night, taking in everything I could. Every line drew laughter from the audience and every scene incited thunderous applause. I had to constantly remind myself that these were not professionals, but mere high school students. How could it be?
The stars, Elizabeth Romero (as Janet Van De Graaff), Devin Cortez (as Robert Martin), and Garrett Brown (as the Man in the Chair), shined so brightly! With her amazing singing voice, Elizabeth could be on Broadway this very minute. Devin is obviously comfortable in the role of Leading Man. Garrett provided so much in the comedy department- a major force in the musical. Along with these three, every single member of the cast achieved so much in just one performance and definitely proved they had talent. I can see each and every one of them going on to bigger and better things in the world of Musical Theater.
The costumes were spot on and truly captured the glamour of the 1920s. The set design effortlessly conveyed the various locations and made the stage unrecognizable. And I can’t forget about the premise. An old man in a chair sits to the side and “watches” the performance with us. You see, we are listening to and watching the soundtrack of his favorite musical. Throughout the night, he “pauses” the music, and therefore the play, and adds commentary. With every pause, the actors froze; with every rewind, the actors moved back and replayed the scene; and with every skip, the actors repeated their lines. This was simply entrancing.
I really wish it had a longer run because I would definitely see it again. These are some of the hardest working kids I’ve ever seen. They deserve all the recognition in the world. If you’ve seen them perform, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, check out their website (www.hbapa.org) for upcoming shows. Make sure you all attend their next production: Leading Ladies from November 17-21; I know I’ll be there!