Girls’ volleyball ended last Tuesday as our girls fought against Newport Harbor. Despite their best efforts, the girls lost to Newport at the final game of 20-25. This season of girls’ volleyball has been an intense one. There hasn’t been one game where our girls went down without a fight. Seniors Nicole Pletkovic, Morgan Bilbruck, Kara Ramsey, Summer McCelland, and Kirah Pearson gave this final year their all, as they valiantly worked with the rest of the varsity team to bring honor to the Baron name. In addition, we also have up juniors with upcoming talent that can lead the Lady Baron’s on to victory next year such as Nathalie Berardino, Laney Ehlers, and Courtney McClane. This year was a hard season where our Lady Barons battled top ranked schools in the state like Huntington Beach. No matter how arduous or ferocious the opponent, our girls always got back up on their feet, ready to keep on fighting.
One of the highlights of the season was the girls’ game versus Brethren Christian. Our Lady Barons wiped the floor with them and completely dominated them. It was a great way to start the season; however, after that, our girls faced the best teams in their division, making it difficult to get to CIF. The lowest point of the season was the game against Los Alamitos. In a best out of five matches, they lost to Los Al three to none; the final score ended up being 15-25. At the end of the season, our girls tried their best and gave every game they had their all.
Summer McClelland was content the way she ended her final season her at FVHS and felt that overall the team did fairly well throughout the season. She also stated that this was one of her closest years of making it league out of her four years playing volleyball.
” We battled and didn’t go in with our heads down. We had a shot and made work for the rally. We may not have won, but we did get some pride back and didn’t let them walk all over us.”
All in all, what the team can improve on this year is passing and communication on the court. Our girls can be stellar on the curt during practice, but during the games, they let anxiety take the best of them. Another skill that they could polish is talking on the court. Saying simple things like “I go”, “Good hit!”, along with comments and helpful critiques (not criticism) and largely improve their game play. Either way, great season ladies