If you have access to the internet and time to waste, you have probably spent a decent amount of of your life on the video hosting website, Youtube. Many people write off Youtube as just a place to watch silly videos of keyboard playing cats and cute babies. While it may have started out that way, Youtube has created something much bigger. Youtube has made ‘vlogging’ (a combination of the words ‘video’ and ‘blog’) a career.
Yes, many people are aware of some of the bigger youtubers, like Ryan Higa (nigahiga), Jenna Mourey (jennamarbles), and Ray William Johnson (raywilliamjohnson), but they are, for lack of a better word, mainstream. As a self-proclaimed Youtube junkie, I’m here to recommend some great vloggers I’ve started watching over the past couple years:
- My first channel recommendation is an Australian-Asian comedian by the name of Natalie Tran. Natalie has been producing and starring in her own videos for about five years. Her unique style of comedy is fresh and ingenious. Using only herself as other characters (using masterful video editing) in her scenes creates an interesting style of video. Natalie often shows a comedic outlook of real life situations, making her relatable and utterly hilarious.This video is utterly hilarious.
- Another fantastic, but some-what unknown video blogger on Youtube is Craig Benzine. Benzine, a resident of Chicago who uses some of the most unique styles of comedy. Craig forms “inside-jokes” with his audience and incorporates very clever video editing. At first glance, Benzine’s videos may seem very odd and because of that, many people dismiss them as weird. But what is weird? If weird means creative and hilarious while being a little out there, then Benzine has made some terrifically bizarre videos.This is one of my favorite’s by Craig.
- Alex Day, a sarcastic vlogger and musician from London, has changed my viewpoint on many subjects such as art and comedy forever. His videos vary from comedic vlogs to music videos to his day to day thoughts and opinions. His sixteen-video-long series, called Alex Reads Twilight in which he mocks Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, are his most popular videos to date, and rightfully so. I do admit that while Alex’s type of humor may not be for everybody, he is definitely worth giving a try.
Alex and his friend’s view on American stores.