At the beginning of reality TV there was,”Real World, Cops, and Big Brother,” and in between all of this there was ,”Fear Factor.” Well now many years later, it’s back in HD, with the same host , Joe Rogan. It’s like Déjà vu ,to five years ago from the last time the show aired. Nothing has changed, the show’s premier colors have generally remained the same of black and yellow. A great choice of colors in my honest opinion.
The contestants’ reactions to their loss are still funny as always. You can always tell that the producers or the person that picks the contestants whomever it may be always pick the ones that have the most colorful personality out of the people that audition if you know what I mean.
Out of the recent episodes I’ve seen, all of the contestants were picked to match the show that was taking place. For example, there was a divorced couples’ show and they picked the most dysfunctional couples they could find and put them onto the show and consequently, hilarity ensued. Sometimes there might not even be a specific show; it might be varied but still the people are charismatic to the point in which they are stereotypical. If they have yellow hair they are blondes, if they are African Americans they are black, if they are a mother and son pair, the son is a momma’s boy.In “Fear Factor,” everything is stereotypical. However, that is what keeps the ratings up and what will continue to keep the ratings up.
In the show, there are three main stunts, an action stunt, a gross stunt, and finale action stunt. The first is to just whittle down the contestants from the weak and dumb to the strong and agile. The next is to test how far the people will go to become to have Joe Rogan say,” Fear is not a factor for you guys.” The second task is gross. It’s at the border line of animal abuse. For instance, there was a recent episode about diving into cow’s blood and getting more cows’ heart than the other teams. I don’t know if the cow should have an apostrophe after the s or before because I don’t know how many cows died in the making of that stunt. It’s hypocritical of me to criticize this stunt because I do eat cows but not for entertainment. This was an exploit of the word ,”Entertainment,” it was gross. P.E.T.A would probably be all over this. In fact, if you googled P.E.T.A on ,”Fear Factor,” I betcha you would find hits after hits after hits.Anyhow, to America, it was still ,”Entertainment.” Even though this sounds like a scathing criticism of ,”Fear Factor,” I will still enjoy what the contenders have to go through from the comfort of my couch.