Three years ago, Chris Brown was arrested on the charge of domestic abuse.
Fast forward up to about three weeks ago, Chris Brown was invited to perform twice at the 54th Grammy Awards and he received an award for Best R&B Album on top of that.
“We’re glad to have him back,” said executive producer Ken Ehrlich. “I think people deserve a second chance, you know. If you’ll note, he has not been on the Grammys for the past few years and it may have taken us a while to kind of get over the fact that we were the victim of what happened.”
“We were the victim of what happened.” (Translation: How terribly inconsiderate of Rihanna to get herself beat up by her boyfriend, because it has made it inconvenient for the Grammys.)
There you have it: Misogyny is okay as long as it doesn’t interfere with the coveted Grammy Awards.
The Grammys may have welcomed him home with open arms. But over the past few weeks since the Grammys, many celebrities have spoken out about against Chris Brown’s sudden re-acceptance.
“And Chris Brown Twice? I don’t get it. He beat on a girl…Not cool that we act like that didn’t happen,” tweeted Miranda Lambert after the Grammys.
Chris Brown, being the exemplary American citizen that he is, replied directly to Miranda with a tweet: “Using my name to get publicity? I love it! Perform your heart out! Go buy @miranda_lambert! So motivational and ‘PERFECT’.”
The Twitter feuds continue. Just last week, WWE wrestler CM Punk tweeted, “I would like @chrisbrown fight somebody that can defend themselves. Me curb stomping that turd would be a #wrestlemania moment.” Brown retorted by accusing the wrestler of using steroids to aid his career.
CM Punk then responded with a video that spoke directly to Brown and addressed Brown’s 5-year probation: “In my world women are meant to be revered and respected, and I firmly believe that in this life there are consequences and repercussions for people’s actions and I think Chris Brown hasn’t paid for what he’s done. Picking up trash on the side of a highway does not make amends for repeatedly striking a woman to her face and sending her to a hospital.”
While telling the world to “live your life and forget the past,” he continues to flaunt his domestic violence. His most recent pickup line: “Can I get your number? I promise I won’t beat you!”
You would think that his notoriety as a ‘woman beater’ would give him enough reason to take a step back and clean himself up.
Surprisingly, fans had always loved him for his happy-go-lucky, positive attitude. Before he and Rihanna were together, he had no tattoos and his songs were notably clean and catchy.
Since then, he has covered parts of his arms, chest, and back with ink and the vulgarities within his music have exponentially increased. If you were to ask someone (assuming they have some sense) who was unfamiliar with Chris Brown to take a look at the lyrics of his “Look At Me Now”, they would probably conclude that the artist is an arrogant rich-boy who has no respect for women.
The most disappointing thing is that Brown’s mother was a victim of domestic abuse, which he talked about on the Tyra Banks, on which he swore that he would never do anything to hurt a woman.
Taking this into consideration, do you think Chris Brown deserves his readmission into the league of decent human beings?
“Congrats to Chris Brown!” commented a reader on the L.A. Times article about his Grammy win. “Proving that even if you’re a worthless human being who savagely beats women you can still be granted fame, fortune and professional accolades! Well done sir!”
Great article, Alex!
Thanks for writing this article, Alex! I’ve been telling people ages that Chris Brown is no good, but they just laugh at me. Hopefully people will open their eyes more to this issue.
nice article!
This is a real eye-opener Alex! Reading this article made me change my opinion of him which is considerably hard thing for me to do, being that I had always been a huge fan of his. Keep writing, you’re great!
thank you, you beautiful creature alex pham.
A well-written article on an important topic.
THANK YOU! Great article.
It’s also disgusting how many young girls online are posting things like “I’d let Chris Brown beat me any day, he’s so hot!”, etc. The Grammys showing support for him is only telling people that abusive behavior is okay and no big deal, but it’s NOT.
Take a look at the police report of the beating. His behavior was inexcusable.
This was fantastically written. “The pick up line that induced barf”… This is why I love you. Anyway, I’m so glad you’re utilizing Baron Banner to spread awareness about topics like this to inform people about something so controversial. YAY ALEX!