E3 2012

It’s almost June folks and you know what that means! The Electronic Entertainment Expo(E3) is fast approaching! Every summer game journalists from all around the world congregate in San Diego, California to attend the gaming industry’s biggest event in the world.

E3 is the event where the industry big shots get to show off all of their upcoming games and hardware. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft, and, Electronic Arts all hold press conferences for millions of people and allow journalists to play new games and try out new hardware before anyone else in the world.

There are many big questions surrounding this year’s E3. Many people are wondering what Nintendo will have to show off for their Wii-U while others want to know if Sony or Microsoft will join the bandwagon and announce new hardware of their own. Will we get new details on much anticipated games like “Assassin’s Creed III” or “Bioshock Infinite”?

The big question on everybody’s mind is: “Who will “win” the expo?” Every year journalists crown a “winner” of E3 otherwise known as the company that garnered the most hype and caused the most surprise and shock. Nintendo could potentially blow us away with a list of solid new games being released for the 3DS and Wii-U systems or perhaps Microsoft will have fan boys screaming when they relinquish new info regarding Halo 4.

Nobody knows what anybody has in store for us this summer and that is what makes this event so exciting. Don’t miss E3 this June from the 5th to the 7th and keep an eye out for my coverage of the event after it happens.