Our fourth edition of “Adventure Couple” is going to take us to the sandy beaches of Crystal Cove State Park.
This long stretch of beach and coastal landscape triumphs so far in terms of beauty. Rock formations, animal life, and scenic views – you name it and Crystal Cove has it.
Crystal Cove is located in between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. There is a “Backcountry Area” toward the end of the beach on the Laguna side that extends into the hillside. This large expanse of land is an adventure within itself. Although the focus of this adventure will by the Crystal Cove shoreline, it must be noted that the water off the shore of the cove, though protected by the park services, is a scuba paradise.
One of the downsides to crystal cove is that there is a parking fee. Now here at Adventure Couple we are emphatically opposed to paying for parking, Crystal Cove is no different.

The state park is fairly large, comprising of 3.5 miles of coastline, and it is highly advised that bikes be the mode of transportation. Aside from the adventure, biking will also save you from spending $15 on an all-day parking permit.
Conveniently, across from the beach you will find a shopping center called the “Crystal Cove Promenade,” where free parking is readily available. Of course, buying a water at Trader Joes will give you a good parking alibi just in case!
When heading down to Crystal Cove, it is important to remember that there is much beauty to behold. The high vantage point of the cliffs provide a beautiful view of the curving coastline. From there you will be able to observe the waves crash into the rocks as well as the stunning underwater formations.

From the cliffs, you will have a few different options. In the direction of Newport are the Ruby’s Shake Shack, Crystal Cove historical center and Beachcomber Cafe, which comes highly recommended (breakfast there was expensive but delightful). Further westward from that point, you can take a stroll down the sandy beach, or follow a stream of bike trails which will lead you through the grassy landscape adjacent to the beach.
Tide pools populate the beach and are filled with creatures who dwell in the intertidal zone: starfish, octopi, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, crabs, and all kinds of small fish. Attached at the bottom of the page will be a map showing the recommended tidal pools to visit while you are there, provided by California State Parks.
Crystal Cove will become what you make of it and offers plenty of exploration. No two trips should be the same, and they don’t have to be. There are places to surf, swim, tan, and just sit and contemplate life.

Crystal Cove is truly a treasure for the citizens of Orange County and Southern California. Travelers come from many places to enjoy what’s down the street (PCH to be exact) from Fountain Valley.
Nature is alive and well here, and though people may have invaded some of the park, you will still see that nature is everywhere and its beauty is abound and amaranthine.
Directions. (Clickable)
Hot Spots with map. (Clickable)