In honor of International Week, ASB made posters of various national flags and hung them outside the 220-240 halls. This act created controversy among the student body due to the exclusion of certain flags.
The Armenian, Israeli and South Vietnamese flags were absent while the Turkish, Palestinian and Communist Vietnamese flags were hung. Students complained that the flag choice was the equivalent to ASB taking a stance on each conflict.
The basis of the argument was that ASB did not provide equal representation for each side of the issue.
“Overall-I believe it was a wonderful idea of ASB to put up all the flags – but this may be a lesson for them to be extra careful of what they put up there,” reflected senior Vincent Nguyen.
Once the flag complaints were made, ASB acted to resolve the issues by adding the requested flags.
Clubs Commissioner Ayah Bany-Mohammed remarked, “ASB looked up and made 30-some flags to decorate the school. It was not in our intention for any of the flags to be drawn wrong or be offensive to students, but when it was brought to our attention, we quickly worked to fix our mistakes. We had a few students ask us to create certain countries’ flags, and we did that as well. ASB appreciates feedback, and we hope that International Week was enjoyable this year. “
I saw an Armenian, Israeli, and non-communist vietnamese flag…
They changed it the next day.
People are too sensitive, especially about the Turkey flag. And posters, tape, and markers must cost a lot of money. Is the money worth it?
When I saw the Communist Vietnamese flag, I was so outraged. It disappoints me that there are vietnamese people that don’t understand the big meaning of the flag…. also isn’t there Vietnamese people in ASB?