AP Testing starts tomorrow! Remember the rules, Barons. Get rest, eat breakfast, and be prepared!
1. A picture I.D.
2. Your Candidate Pack. This will be given to you when you take your first exam. You MUST bring the Candidate Pack with you on any following AP exams this year!

3. Social Security number (Optional)
4. Several sharpened #2 pencils and erasers
5. Blue or black ballpoint pens for the free response questions in most exams
6. A watch. Pace yourself during the exam. Do not bring watches with audible alarms.
7. Graphing calculators are required for certain portions of the Calculus AB and Calculus BC tests. Graphing calculators with statistical capabilities are required for the Statistics test.
8. Certain parts of the Chemistry and Physics exams allow calculators. You are not allowed handheld computers nor calculators with typewriter-style keyboards such as the HP-95 or the TI-92.
9. Rulers and straightedges for the Physics Exams ONLY (optional)
Do not bring:
1. Books, dictionaries, notes, or compasses.
2. Scratch paper.
3. Cell phones or electronic devices of any type. Cell phones that go off during testing may jeopardize your scores, and the scores of your peers!
4. Portable listening or recording devices of any kind (with or without headphones).
5. Clothing with subject related information.
Another pointless story.
I found it helpful, thanks!