As the first month of school flew by and clubs began taking applications, FVHS’s California Scholarship Federation (CSF) made adjustments to its club structure.
This year, CSF is trying to expand its target audience by allowing in associate members. These are people who wish to join CSF, but either didn’t make the 10-point grade cut or are joining as freshman members.
Associate members have a few of the same privileges as a normal member; they’re listed on the club roster and they can attend events. However, their semester as an associate member won’t count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, an award given to seniors who have been part of the club for four semesters, one semester of which must have been during senior year.
Semesters as associate members also won’t count towards graduation, when a CSF member receives a tassel for one year’s membership, a cord for two years’ membership, or a stole for three years’ membership. Nonetheless, an associate member can attend CSF field trips if there are spots available, and points earned as an associate member will be transferred on to his or her next semester as an actual member, nor do they have to pay a club fee.
CSF is also rewarding outstanding members by naming a Member of the Month. In the long run, the most active CSF seniors will be rewarded with a scholarship (with money raised by the club) upon graduation, but this new policy doesn’t only benefit the class of 2013. Juniors and sophomores may earn points by attending events, and those points will add up all throughout their years of membership within CSF. The ones with the most number of points will be in turn rewarded with a scholarship of their own when they graduate years later.
A point system is being implemented in order to accurately keep track of member participation. This new system takes into account spirit (wearing T-shirts, one point), generosity (driving to events, 2 points), attendance (showing up at meetings, one point), and participation (going to events, 3 points per hour spent at the event).
CSF gives its members many opportunities to earn points through club events. One such event is Shair the Love, a CSF haircutting event for the community in which people donate hair to charity in January. If members want to cut their hair now, it is suggested that they save that hair for January to donate. If not, they can simply donate money to the cause.
Furthermore, CSF is visiting UCLA first semester and Caltech second semester. It is recommended that members aim for two events to attend these field trips.
Another upcoming CSF event is its Ice Skating Social at Westminster Ice on Friday, November 9, from 7:15PM -9:15PM. Prices are $10 presale and $12 at the door. Rental skates are included. Another club event, the Surf City Derby, will take place on Sunday, October 21, from 8:30AM-12:00PM.
Mr. Walters, the CSF adviser, said, “I can already tell that CSF is receiving more club applications and is a lot more popular. There are a lot more things for members to do…I think CSF this year is going to be a lot bigger, a lot better.”