Medical Society Learns CPR

On Wednesday, October 17th, Medical Society organized a brief CPR class taught by Mr. Kols from 3-4PM.

Medical Society is a club geared toward aspiring doctors and other health professionals. Members join to listen to guest speakers from medical professions, attend medical simulations at UCI, visit medical school campuses, and participate in various medicine related events.

This CPR class was one of those events; around 30 Medical Society members attended the class in room 226. There, members were given a brief overview of CPR that included mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, chest compressions, and the Heimlich maneuver. Members were not given the amount of training required of a normal 7-hour CPR certification class due to time constraints, so the lessons given that day were very broad.

After listening in on about thirty minutes of lectures and demonstrations from Kols, the thirty students were then able to practice on six mannequins. The students were instructed to do four sets of CPR on the mannequins – two breaths and thirty chest compressions per set.

“Many people think that CPR is just breathing into someone’s mouth and giving them chest compressions,” says Co-Activities Director Alvin Ngo (’15). “But after actually trying it out for the first time, it was actually a lot harder and tiring than I expected, especially since our hand and shoulder placements were so crucial for the procedure to succeed.”

After the practice, Kols corrected a few errors made during the simulation and then proceeded to instruct students on CPR during choking emergencies. Students were able to learn how to properly save both adults and infants whose airways were blocked.

“I’m glad I was able to attend the CPR class because now I feel more comfortable in knowing how to react to a situation when a person is choking or unconscious ” says Co-Activities Director Jennifer Dinh (’14). “The whole process of CPR can be very tiring, but on the plus side it was a great workout for our arms!”

The next class Kols will teach for Medical Society will take place on Wednesday, October 24th, from 3-4PM. Rather than providing additional CPR training, this class will cover first aid.


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