Every year, people participate in the tradition of trick-or-treating on Halloween. However, some FVHS students have different opinions on whether this activity is age-appropriate for high schoolers.
Some believe that trick-or-treating is a fun and exciting tradition that teenagers should still be able to enjoy. “I think when you’re in high school, you’re still a kid so you can still go trick or treating,” said Huy Vu (’14).
According to some students, the prospect of receiving candy is appealing to all ages. “You can always go trick-or-treating…because it’s free candy,” said Ann Nguyen (’15).

Other FVHS students thought that there was a certain point where trick-or-treating becomes inappropriate. However, there is also debate on what the age limit really is.
Lyndi Ngo (’15) said, “Once you start high school it’s pretty much over. When its high school students, you have parties instead of, like, going trick-or-treating, you know?”
Even though some students think they are too old to go trick-or-treating themselves, there are many other fun Halloween activities they enjoy. People throw or attend parties, while others go to Knott’s Scary Farm with their friends and family.
Theresa Nguyen (’15) passes out candy on Halloween. She said, “I like to put smiles on the faces of children as they go trick-or-treating in their costumes.”
Overall, FVHS students should be able to have a good time on Halloween, whether they go trick-or-treating, attend a party, or just stay home.