Baron Banner, BBN, and Yearbook students visited the USC Annenberg School for High School Journalism Day on Friday.
The day was spent attending conferences hosted by various lecturers, professors, and newspaper editors. Aspiring journalism students from schools such as Culver City, Glendora, and Malibu were also in attendance.
The day started out with a welcome speech by the keynote speaker, Jacob Soboroff, host of HuffPost Live. Soboroff discussed his career as a writer and reporter and showed clips from his work at MTV News and TED Talks.
After the keynote speech, students dispersed to attend sessions held throughout the four-story Annenberg building.
Lecturers talked to students about newspaper layout and design, sports writing, on-campus journalism, and media ethics. Sessions related to broadcast, photography, and public relations were also held.
“At first I was apprehensive about how sitting through three lectures about journalism was going to be,” said Yearbook editor-in-chief Michelle Bui (’13). “But then as I went through my lectures, each lecture proved to be very fun while also really informative.”
Once the sessions ended, lunch was served, during which Annenberg Ambassadors held the Brown Bag Lunch Discussion and answered students’ questions about college.
“Journalism day was a really wonderful experience,” said Julie Nguyen (’13), co-sports producer of the BBN. “I gained new insight and opened my mind further to the morals of journalism. I’m glad I had the opportunity to go!”