Yearbook members presented Elise Dang (’14) with a new 16GB 7th generation iPod nano today during third period SSR.
Dang, who enjoys working with computers and hanging out at the mall in her free time, was the winner of Yearbook’s “Apple + Banana = iPod” survey raffle.
“I’m very happy to win because I usually don’t win things like this,” said Dang (’14). “I think it was a great way to get people to participate in the raffle, instead of just writing a name on a ticket.”
The Yearbook staff ran the survey for two weeks as a method of collecting student information for a special surprise in this year’s yearbook.
“I wish we could have had more submissions turned in, so we could have input from almost everybody from the school,” said Yearbook editor-in-chief Michelle Bui (’13), “but I was really excited to walk into the room and present her with her prize.”
“We’re trying to get as much student input into the yearbook as possible. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, I don’t think we can have another raffle like this anytime soon.”