One of the most physically demanding and most-time consuming sports offered on the FVHS campus is Girls Water Polo, played through the winter season from November through January.
This year, the team struggled in many ways for preparation for this upcoming season. At the beginning of this school year, the team lacked both a coach and an adequate number of players for a legitimate team.
Returning players hoped to recruit new team members by holding a showcase of sorts in late October, in which they demonstrated the sport for spectators and even offered interested students the opportunity to get in the water and test it out for themselves.
As interest heightened and the team grew stronger, the pieces to the 2012-2013 season began to fall into place.
With the new employment of Kaleigh Esson, a coach with experience from Arizona State University and Huntington Beach Water Polo Club, and the addition of several new players, a full water polo team emerged.
Although the team felt desperate for new players, the sport’s commitment never lessened.
Team captain Meredith Lightbody (’14) said, “Although we lost several key seniors last May, we definitely still have the makings of a great team. We practice harder than most sports, and we come mornings and afternoons for workouts and water practices.”
The team is currently 1-1 in preseason and hopes to continue their winning streak.
Come out on January 9th, 2013 at Newport Harbor High School to encourage our team in the Game of the Week.
I hope girls water polo wins for the whole season.