The long-awaited Baron Games assembly took place on April 19th with a starting score of 10 for the Gold Team and 12 for the Blue Team.
Both groups had been competing in lunchtime activities throughout the week, with Blue team winning two activities, Gold winning one, and both of them tying in another.
Then, with the Gold team winning the the door-decorating contest, the two teams were tied.
The assembly began with the Harlem Shake. With 3,600 students dancing, FVHS recorded the dance and plans to challenge Los Alamitos High School, which recently broke a world record with 3,000 students dancing the Harlem Shake at once.
“I loved the Harlem Shake,” Stephen Le (’14) said. “It was so awesome to shake my booty with the whole school.”
This year’s games consisted of a balloon pop, a money grab, a scream contest and a ball pass.
Students who volunteered, also known as tributes, participated in the games.
Kevin Kim (’14), who was a tribute, said, “At first I was tentative about the games because I’m not one to show school spirit, but I had a lot of fun.”
During the balloon pop, hundreds of blue and yellow balloons were released onto the crowd. Students were to find a special ticket inside a balloon by popping it.
For the money grab, students tried to catch as many dollar bills as possible inside a money booth.
During the scream contest, Mr. Fraser used a sound meter to determine which team made more noise. The ball pass consisted of students passing blue and yellow balls forward as fast as they could without throwing them.
The Blue Team won the balloon pop, the money grab, and the scream contest. However, due to cheating in the ball pass, points were taken away from the Blue Team and the Gold Team won the game.
“I thought it was unfair when Blue Team got deducted points,” Stacey Nguyen (’13) said.
There was even a Baron-style triathlon that was composed of a tarp race, in which teams unrolled and rolled tarps. The competition concluded with a tricycle race and a yo-yo toss, in which tributes had to throw yo-yo’s at bottles to knock them down.
Coming out with a victory after the triathlon, the Blue Team won with a score of 21 to 19. The winning team members, both freshmen and seniors, won a coupon for a free Locos Doritos Taco at Taco Bell and a Slurpee at 7-11.
“I can’t say that I’m happy about the gold team losing,” Trang Le (’14) said. “I was kind of expecting the gold team to lose since we kept losing the lunchtime activities (LTAs). To me, the loss means that the gold team needs to put in a little more spirit, skill, and effort to defeat the blue team next year.”
ASB plans to hold the Baron Games again next year after this year’s success. “There was a great turn out of students participating in the LTAs and dress up days,” vice president Tricia Vuong (’14) said. “Last year it was hard for students to accommodate to the change from Gender Wars to the new Baron Games. After seeing how successful it was last year, I feel as if more students had a better understanding of what the games were.”
“I think we reached our main goal which was to have the whole school participate with some competitive fun,” ASB member Dolly Dang (’14) stated.
What was up with the microphone not working for the blue team’s host? It was pretty annoying.
I honestly like Baron Game last year better. What happened to the spirit this year?
Arnold and Fraser both got us involved. not the same without Arnold
Where are those coupons for the Doritos Tacos and Slurpee?