Students apply to enroll in English classes

 Do you have what it takes to take English Honors 2, AP English 3, or AP English 4?

Up until Thursday, May 2, The English Department is allowing students the opportunity to apply for the English class they want.

Students may only apply if they want to move up from a non-honors English class or an AP English class in which they received a C or below the previous semester.

The application ( requires teacher recommendations along with a print-out of STAR testing scores – which can be found on the portal.

The application will be due on the written test day in the library after school, where each applicant will be given an essay prompt and will be graded off that.

The results will then be posted in the English halls with the qualifying student ID numbers.

If there are any questions, contact Ms. Zeigler, the English Department Chair.

About Tyanna Bui

I remember when this box would be on myspace. I'd spend so much time just doodling random, awesome things about myself. But since this isn't myspace, some things you should know about me are that I'm a big fan of music, thus making me a musician, reading seventeen magazine, and surely sharing my thoughts to the world.