By Dennis Tran
Honors Commission selects two seniors per month to be recognized for their excellence in school activity and dedication to achievement with the senior of the month awards. This year’s winners are ASB’s Activities Commissioner Harrison Nguyen and Publicity Commissioner Valerie Chang.
Chang admitted that being chosen as September’s senior of the month was quite a shock to her. “I know that there are many amazing seniors that also applied as well, so I feel extremely honored,” she said.
Chang is currently balancing ASB and five AP classes. “I know it’s a loaded schedule, but I think I am managing well so far.” Along with a busy class schedule, she is also a CSF member, takes part in School Site Council, and volunteers at the public library by helping students with homework.
In the fall of 2014, Chang hopes to major in Business or Engineering at UC Berkeley or UCSB with a minor in art. Ten years from now, she sees herself as a successful, career-driven woman. “I also want to be a useful member of society by contributing as much as I can whether financially or through service.”
Harrison Nguyen is taking Physics, ASB, and AP Calculus, Psychology, Economics, and English Literature and Composition; he is also part of the National Honor Society.
Though unsure of where he wants to go, Nguyen stated, “I plan on attending college, and then hopefully become great.” He is aiming to be in medical school ten years from now and hopes that he will be doing well.
Nguyen and Chang also like to relax and spoil themselves for their hard work. Nguyen enjoys eating and sleeping, and Chang stated, “In my free time, I like to browse my social network sites, read books on my kindle, watch old Disney cartoons and take my dog on walks when I see that he is being a lazy butt.”
Harrison Nguyen and Valerie Chang were honored to be the September Seniors of the Month; they plan to finish the rest of their senior year strong.