By Vivian Bui
Students took a visit down to the campus of USC and return back with beneficial material.
Every year the Career Center does its best to plan at least two college campus field trips that will hopefully enhance the student’s broad perspective for each campus.C areer Center counselors Michaela Wakeman and Marvene Sanders hosted a field trip to USC three days ago with students who had signed up to attend.
The purpose of these visits are to expand each and every student’s knowledge about college and to allow them to understand what it’s like to have to adapt to a different environment. “The exposure of seeing different colleges and how the college systems work enable students to envision themselves walking through the campus and being able to say, ‘This is where I want to be,'” said Wakeman.
“What I liked about USC was that the students were very welcoming and everyone was like family there,” said Katie Nguyen (’15). “Definitely something that I would like to see on all school campuses.” Besides visiting a variety of colleges, FVHS has had the opportunity to have many college directors come visit and share their insights about the college system and life.
“We try to go visit the large schools, the small schools, the private schools, so students get the real feel of being on campus,” said Wakeman. Students are advised to explore new colleges and not just the ones around the area. This allows students to experience the diversity that all the different colleges provide and encourages them to prepare for the change in their comfort zones as they start to head off to college.