Here are your morning announcements for Wednesday, April 30, 2014…
Congrats to the seniors of the month for May, Nikki Tran and Yvonne Le, and the seniors of the month for June, Diana Pham-Tran and Justine Bui!
Congratulations to our Varsity & JV Boys Volleyball teams on beating Newport Harbor last night. The JV’s won 2 games to 1 and the Varsity battled it out in 5 matches. Next match is Friday @ Marina! Go Barons!
Yesterday our Lady Barons Softball Team beat the Undefeated Edison Chargers at the JV Softball game. The Barons started down 5 to 0 and came back to win in the 5th inning beating them 9-5! Great job ladies!
Congrats Boys Tennis on their 8th straight win! The Barons beat Newport Harbor 12 to 6 in some extremely windy and hot conditions. The Barons are now 11 – 4 – 1.
Link Crew is back for 2014!!!! If you would like to be a part of this awesome, awe-inspiring, freshman-loving, welcoming team… come to a QUICK information meeting Thursday at 7:30 AM in room 403 or Friday at 3 PM in the Social Studies Bowl. This meeting is for ALL Baron-loving sophomores and juniors who want to be part of Link Crew Twenty-FOURTEEN!!
Attention all Students and Staff!!! The FVHS Pep Squad will be hosting a Performance Showcase this Friday night in the Gym. Come support your Cheer and Song Leaders and be treated to a night full of awesome performances from several of our local schools. Tickets are ONLY $5, the doors open at 6:30, and the performances will start at 7pm. See you there – GO BARONS!
Hey Barons, if you are interested in being a part of ASB next year don’t forget applications are due Friday, May 2nd in the Activities Office!
If you would like to have ASB make you a poster for Prom, you must order it today and tomorrow by lunch. We will not be taking any Poster requests for Prom after 12:50pm tomorrow.
If you were absent during the CAHSEE exams in March, your only opportunity to make up the exams this year is May 13th and May 14th. Please make a note on your calendar to attend. You must have a picture ID when registering. Registration will begin at 7:45 am in the Faculty Dining Room, located next to the school cafeteria, across from the school choir room.
Seniors you have one more day! You MUST submit your SIR (Student Intent to Register) by May 1st! That is tomorrow! Please make sure you have submitted all necessary paperwork to the 4yr college you wish to attend. If you have any questions see Ms. Wakeman in the Career Center.
Are you a critical thinker? Quick on your feet? Interested in the law? Do you dig debate? Try out for Mock Trial! The tryout information meeting will be Monday, May 19 at 3 pm in Ms. LaFramboise’s room, room 131. Come learn more about one of the top ranked academic teams in Orange County! Again that’s Monday, May 19th in room 131 at 3 pm.
Juniors you have until May 9th to register for the June SAT or ACT test. After that you will be paying “Late Registration fees” You can register online for the SAT at Collegeboard.org or the ACT at ACT.org. If you have questions please stop by the Career Center. (end 5/2)
Congratulations to our B4L Winners for April! Destiny Chaparro, Elysa Basquez, Tina (Ghia-Nhi) Phuong, William Zetina, Cristeen (Seoyeon) Ahn, Carlos Garcia, Naomi Chau, Alexis Tran, Max Tran and Vivian Nguyen have each won a $25 gift card of their choice! We have one more B4L drawing this year in May. Baron for Life!
Senior Barons, don’t forget to remind your parents to come to the Grad Night Party meeting Wednesday, May 7th in the Cafeteria. For more information, check out our website at www.fvhsgradnight.com.
Disneyland Grad Nite is coming! Tickets will be sold this Thursday, May 1st at lunch in front of the Activities Office. $80.00 CASH ONLY! You must have a signed permission slip to buy a ticket. Tickets will also be sold on tomorrow, Thursday May 8 and Thursday May 15. Permission slips are online at fvhs.com, in the Activities Office and in Mrs. McCall’s office.
The 15th episode of the BBN will aired tomorrow! The email will be sent out at lunch today. Teachers, please download the episode beforehand to lessen complications that may arise on the air-date.
Varsity Football is running a Cash 4 Shoes fundraiser through May 9th. Drop off your gently used, unwanted pairs of shoes in the bin behind the Football Office.
Here are your morning announcements for Monday, April 28, 2014…
Congratulations to our advanced Vocal Music ensembles this past weekend on their success at the Disneyland Heritage Festival. All of our Ensembles received GOLD ratings and special invitations to next year’s Festival of Gold in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Michael Querry was selected for a Maestro Award for his special solo performance. Our Vocal Music program finishes its classical season with great success. Awesome singing Barons!
Congratulations to the Fountain Valley Varsity and Junior Varsity Color Guards! The guards finished an incredible season last weekend. The Varsity group was a finalist at a national circuit regional, while the Junior Varsity placed FIRST at the Southern California championships! Way to go Barons
Congratulations to the Men’s Varsity track team for their victory over Marina. The Barons won 96 to 26. The boys are Sunset League Champions for the fourth year in a row. Our senior class has never lost a Sunset League dual meet in their FV career. The Boys JV team also finished undefeated in league and are League Champions, the Boys Frosh/Soph are 4-1.
The Girls Varsity track team dominated Marina 98 to 20. They are 4-1 with a shot at the league title at League Finals. The JV Girls finished the year undefeated and are League champions. The Frosh/Soph team also finished the season undefeated and they are also League Champions. Great Job!
The Freshman Baseball Team battled Huntington Beach for first place in the Sunset League on Friday, beating the Oilers 8 to 6. Great job Barons!
Show your Baron Pride and come Salsa the night away at the Spanish Club Salsa Concert on Monday, April 28 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased from any Spanish teacher or in room 237 with Mr. Gonzalez.
Attention all Students and Staff!!! The FVHS Pep Squad will be hosting a Performance Showcase this Friday night in the Gym. Come support your Cheer and Song Leaders and be treated to a night full of awesome performances from several of our local schools. Tickets are ONLY $5, the doors open at 6:30, and the performances will start at 7pm. See you there – GO BARONS!
Are you a critical thinker? Quick on your feet? Interested in the law? Do you dig debate? Try out for Mock Trial! The tryout information meeting will be Monday, May 19 at 3 pm in Ms. LaFramboise’s room, room 131. Come learn more about one of the top ranked academic teams in Orange County! Again that’s Monday, May 19th in room 131 at 3 pm.
Hey barons, if you are interested in being a part of ASB next year don’t forget applications are due on May 2nd in the Activities Office!
If you were absent during the CAHSEE exams in March, your only opportunity to make up the exams this year is May 13th and May 14th. Please make a note on your calendar to attend. You must have a picture ID when registering. Registration will begin at 7:45 am in the Faculty Dining Room, located next to the school cafeteria, across from the school choir room.
Varsity Football is running a Cash 4 Shoes fundraiser through May 9th. Drop off your gently used, unwanted pairs of shoes in the bin behind the Football Office.
Here are your morning announcements for Friday, April 25, 2014…
Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball team for their victory over Huntington Beach 9-7. The win put the Barons in a tie for first place with Huntington Beach. The Barons host Huntington Beach tomorrow at 3:15. The Barons need all of your support tomorrow with the chance of taking sole possession of first place. Please come out and support the baseball team.
Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Golf Team for their victory over Newport Harbor. The boys shot a season best 181 to beat the Sailors by 25 shots. Senior captains Jeffrey Gathmann, Jordan Meas and sophomore Chris Feltman shot under par. Way to go Barons!
The cafeteria is hiring dependable student workers who want to work during the lunch hour. Please ask for the manager.
Saturday School starts promptly at 7:30am tomorrow morning in the Cafeteria!
The B4L raffle is today at lunch in the Bowl!
We have scholarships for Band, Orchestra, Dance, PTSA, Choir and Vocational Tech…. stop by the Career Center and pick up an application today! These scholarships range from $500 – $1,000 so fill out the app and turn it in quickly. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Wakeman. (end 4/25)
Attention all club presidents! There is an ICC meeting TODAY in room 403! Remember to bring $15 for the fair fee please!
You may have seen signs around campus for a sale this weekend?! If you or anyone you know is in the market for a new, QUALITY MATTRESS—the Royal Regiment will be hosting a sale for great discounts on high level mattresses. Stop by the band room on Saturday or Sunday and get better sleep as all those AP tests approach!
Here are your morning announcements for Wednesday, April 23, 2014…
Alumni in the News, Class of 2001, Nick Arsiniaga, was the 2nd American finisher and 7th overall at the Boston Marathon this past weekend. Nick, who was coached by our very own, Marty Baratti, finished the race in 2 hours, 11 minutes & 47 seconds. B4L!!
Congratulations to Boys Tennis! The Barons haven’t been able to beat Los Al in the last six meetings. That all changed on Monday, when the Barons beat the #2 ranked Griffins! Yesterday was another awesome day for Boys Tennis, beating Huntington 16 – 2. The Barons are on a 7 game winning streak, good luck in Ojai!
Congratulations to the Boys JV golf team for their victory over Huntington Beach. The Barons were led by Freshmen Dustin Tran and Evan Gonzales who both shot season best scores. Way to go Barons!
Barons softball blanks Newport Harbor 11 – 0. Madison Weathers pitched a 1 hit shut-out with 10 strikeouts. Megan craft lead the offense with 4 hits, a homerun shy of hitting for the cycle. Kelli Tatum had 3 hits; Brittany Bancroft and Randi Fehser each had 2 hits. 2 triples by Victoria Brito and Taylor Golden capped off a 6 run second inning. Great job by all girls!! The Lady Barons face Marina on Thursday in a huge Sunset League match-up.
The swim team trained and competed during Spring Break. The Varsity Freshmen and Sophomore girls extended their winning streak to 5-years at the Klaus Barth Invite. Lauren Wong and Kyle Reilly brought home the swimmer of the meet awards, this is the second year in a row our Barons have won the awards for boys and girls. Today we have our last home meet of the year against Marina. Come on out and see our boys shut them down and our girls compete for the League title.
The FVHS Surf Team had an outstanding performance last Saturday at the CCSA final contest.
Eric Tello, John Richardson, Riley Donohoo, Nate Davis and Lance Smith dominated in the men’s events. The women’s team had a great day, with Riley Anderson and Julia Luna surfing through to finals. This final contest pushed the FVHS Surf Team into 1st place as overall winners in their division. Great job team!
Please come out to the Varsity Baseball game today at 3:15 at Huntington Beach and Friday here at home. The Barons have a chance to move into first place with 2 wins over the Oilers.
Over Spring Break, our Concert Choir and Troubadours literally ate their way through the state of Louisiana, starting in New Orleans for French Quarter Fest. Musically, they gave highly polished and inspiring performances at Louisiana State University, several churches along the way, a high school exchange at Mr. Tison’s alma mater and even a performance at beautiful Oak Alley Plantation, built in 1837. Congratulations to our entire Vocal Music Program on finishing a strong season of festivals and tours, with all of our choirs delivering true Baron excellence in music!
Attention all students and faculty– please join us in the gym today at lunch to honor our National Letter Of Intent Athletes. We will begin promptly @ the beginning of lunch so don’t be late!!
The cafeteria barbeque is back! This Wednesday we will be cooking cheeseburgers, jumbo hot dogs and veggie burgers near the snack bar!
The cafeteria is hiring dependable student workers who want to work during the lunch hour. Please ask for the manager.
Hey, Seniors! Only THREE more Saturday Schools before Prom! The next one is this Saturday. Be at the cafeteria by 7:30am with homework or a book. Saturday School ends at 11:45am.
The B4L raffle will be held this Friday at lunch in the bowl. Who was nominated? Check out the list on the Supervision window. What do you win? A $25 gift card of your choice. Winners must be present to win. Good Luck!
Barons, tomorrow’s dress up is: Old Timer’s Thursday– dress as your grandparents! And on Friday, dress in your team color or wear your splash zone t-shirt! Remember to take a picture of your outfit and hashtag #fvblueteam and #fvgoldteam on Instagram and Twitter to win points for your team!
Hey Barons, if you’re interested in sitting in our Splash Zone at Baron Games then come to the bowl and buy a shirt for $5! Shirts will be sold until Wednesday. Don’t forget to come to the LTAs all this week in the bowl and cheer on your team to win points for Baron Games.
Scholarships!, Scholarships! Scholarships! We have scholarships for Band, Orchestra, Dance, PTSA, Choir and Vocational Tech…. stop by the Career Center and pick up an application today!
These scholarships range from $500 – $1,000 so fill out the app and turn it in quickly. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Wakeman. (end 4/25)
Juniors, if you have ordered a Class of 2015 hoodie, they are now ready to be picked up in Room 301 with Ms. Silvertooth!
Through May 9th, Varsity football is running a Cash 4 Shoes fundraiser- donate your gently used, unwanted pairs of shoes which will be worn second hand in third world countries. Put any kind of wearable shoes secured together by the pair in the “Shoe Drive” bin behind the football office. Last day to drop off is May 9th.
Show your Baron Pride and come Salsa the night away at the Spanish Club Salsa Concert on Monday, April 28 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased from any Spanish teacher or in room 237 with Mr. Gonzalez.
Here are your morning announcements for Monday, April 21, 2014…
Congratulations to the Freshman Baseball Team for going 3 and 1 during a Spring Break Baseball Tournament. In the first game, Parker Smith threw 4 innings of no-hit ball to help defeat St. John Bosco 5 to 1. Trevor Staffieri supplied the offense with a 2-run double. In game two vs. Long Beach Poly, the Barons were down to their last out when Trent Sievers hit a bases loaded three run double to give the Barons a walk-off win 7 to 6. Against Lakewood in the final game, Cohl Staffa pitched 5 strong innings for his fifth win of the year. The Freshman team is now 18 and 3 as they head into a showdown with Huntington Beach this week. Huntington Beach is 17 and 1, their only loss was to the Barons.
Over the Easter break, the track teams competed at the Mt Sac Invitational and the Cougar Classic. The girls 4×1600 relay composed of Natalie Grohman, Amber Bragdon, Amanda Stark, and Marianna Chavez broke the school record running 21 minutes and 8 seconds. Annelise Doerr ran the 3rd fastest time in school history in the 400 with a time of 58.23 seconds. The boys Frosh/Soph, JV, and Varsity teams are undefeated in league with one more meet left against Marina. The girls Frosh/Soph and JV are undefeated with the Varsity still in the hunt at 3-1.
Our Baron Choir & Trouveres gave stellar performances in San Diego a few weeks ago at the Heritage Festival with freshman Tanner Glazier earning a special Maestro Award for his outstanding solo. The following weekend our Les Chanteurs set sail for Ensenada and brought great entertainment to the ship passengers and crew of the Carnival Imagination! Congratulations on a strong season!
Attention all students and faculty– please join us in the gym on Wednesday, April 23rd at lunch to honor the following student athletes who will be signing a National Letter Of Intent to play at the following colleges: in BOYS TENNIS, John Lieu, at UC Riverside and for WRESTLING, Bryant Vasquez at Western State Colorado. We will begin promptly @ the beginning of lunch so don’t be late!!
Do you like music and food? Need culture points for Spanish? Or are you just looking for something fun to do? Then show your Baron Pride and come Salsa the night away at the Spanish Club Salsa Concert on Monday, April 28 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased from any Spanish teacher or in room 237 with Mr. Gonzalez.
Hey, Seniors! Only THREE more Saturday Schools before Prom! The next one is this Saturday. Be at the cafeteria by 7:30am with homework or a book. Saturday School ends at 11:45am.
Barons, do you need to clear detentions? Do you need community service hours? Are you interested in the law and would like the opportunity to talk to real lawyers and a real courtroom judge? Then come to the Choir room tomorrow at 3pm and participate in PEER COURT. Real cases, real teenagers, real problems in need of a jury.
The B4L raffle will be held this Friday at lunch in the bowl. Who was nominated? Check out the list on the Supervision window. What do you win? A $25 gift card of your choice. Winners must be present to win. Good Luck!
The giving spirit continues to keep on giving at FVHS! Be sure to stop the following students and say thanks. They may have helped you but you’re not aware of it…Phil Nguyen, Adam Mancini, Marissa Manjarrez, Sarah Miller, Bill Pham, Win Moo, Victor Gonzalez, Austin Gergins, Trey Davis, Raneen Shehadeh and Kelly Clarke. They were CAUGHT…Being Good!
Baron Games is this week so dress up for:
Mannered Monday– country club and preppy clothes to show off your manners.
Tourist Tuesday– get your binoculars and fanny packs out for your tourist-y outfit
Wild Wednesday– bring out your wild side and wear animal print or safari clothes
Old Timer’s Thursday– dress as your grandparents!
And on Friday, dress in your team color or wear your splash zone t-shirt!
Take a picture of your outfit and hashtag #fvblueteam and #fvgoldteam on Instagram and Twitter to win points for your team!
Hey Barons, if you’re interested in sitting in our Splash Zone at Baron Games then come to the bowl and buy a shirt for $5! Shirts will be sold Monday thru Wednesday. There is a limited amount available. Don’t forget to come to the LTAs all this week in the bowl and cheer on your team to win points for Baron Games.
Attention all American Red Cross members there will be an informational meeting tomorrow at lunch in Mrs. Chaicharee’s room 405! Don’t be late!
Thank you barons for collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house these past few weeks in your third periods. Congratulations to first place Mrs Murray and second place Mrs Fah, your third period classes will be receiving donuts this week!
Here are your morning announcements for Friday, April 11, 2014…
Varsity Girls Swim is 3 and 0 in League as we head into our Spring Break training and competition schedule. The Varsity Boys are swimming some of their personal best times during the season’s hardest conditioning period, setting up for an amazing League Championship meet in May. Our Open girls beat Newport Harbor for the first time since Newport rejoined the Sunset League nearly a decade ago.
Congratulations to Boys Tennis on their victory over Edison! Varsity won 14 to 4 and JV’s won
12 to 6! Eric Nguyen and Winston Ngo won all of their singles matches. The Doubles teams of Darren Dinh & Darrin Nguyen and John Lieu with Parker Braverman won all of their matches! Go Barons!
Fountain Valley’s Dive Team competed yesterday against Newport Harbor and won with Alyssa Loeffleman getting 3rd, Sydney Benjamin getting 9th, Shelby Randall ending in 8th and Kenzie Braisher finishing in 3rd. And a shout out to Erin-Taylor Allen who threw a brand new dive during the competition just for fun! Congrats, dive team!
Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball team for their win over Los Al 12-3. Scott Schultz improved his record to 7 and 0 overall and 4 and 0 in League. Scott threw 6 shutout innings. The Barons continued to play great defense as they have all year. The offense got on the scoreboard first by loading the bases and Justin Brand had a great at bat which led to a walk and the Barons first run. Willie Aguilar opened up the scoring by driving in three runs in the 3rd inning. Brock Lundquist blasted his 5th homerun of the year to put the game away. The Barons play next week in the Hard 9 National Classic. They open up with Bingham High School who were the Utah state champions. The game is at 1:00pm at Esperanza high school.
The JV Baseball Team pulled off a last inning walk off win against Los Al yesterday, as the Barons were down to their last at bat of the game when Stephen Fedele scorched a line drive double into left field and Michael Murphy followed with a towering moon shot home run to tie the game. Kyle Kogami scored on a wild pitch with the bases loaded to give the Barons the 5 to 4 win.
Congratulations to the Freshman Baseball Team for their 4-2 victory over Los Alamitos. Pitcher Travis Behrens threw 5 innings allowing only one run and striking out 3. In the 5th inning, Jared Brand, Trent Sievers, Blake Mielke and Trevor Staffieri all had hits as the Barons scored 3 runs to seal the victory. Andrew Sanchez scored 2 of the 4 runs as the first place Freshman Baseball team remains undefeated in Sunset League.
Do you like music and food? Need culture points for Spanish? Or are you just looking for something fun to do? Then show your Baron Pride and come Salsa the night away at the Spanish Club Salsa Concert on Monday, April 28 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets are $5 per person and can be purchased from any Spanish teacher or in room 237 with Mr. Gonzalez.
Hey Barons, today is the deadline to vote for this year’s Teacher of the Year. Complete and submit your ballot for this year’s best of the best teachers. Please vote for one veteran teacher and one teacher who is new to Fountain Valley High School this school year.
Coastline ROP will be offering a limited number of summer school Classes for 2014. If you are interested in finding out about the classes being offered or to sign up, please see Ms. Sanders in the Career Center.
We have THREE Saturday Schools this month starting tomorrow in room 301. The second Saturday School is next Saturday, April 19th, in the cafeteria. The last is on April 26th in the cafeteria. It begins promptly at 7:30 am and ends at 11:45. Bring homework and a book to read. Time to get everything served before Prom!
Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships! Seniors if you are looking for scholarships to help offset your college costs then stop by the Career Center. We have the PTSA Scholarship along with the Cecile Stephens Scholarship. They offer scholarships for band, chorus, dance and tech classes. Stop by the Career Center and pick up applications today!
Barons, do you need to clear detentions? Do you need community service hours? Are you interested in the law and would like the opportunity to talk to real lawyers and a real courtroom judge? Then Tuesday, April 22nd, come to the Choir room at 3pm and participate in PEER COURT. Real cases, real teenagers, real problems in need of a jury.
Barons – come out to the bowl at lunch today to have a shot at dunking a staff member. Will Mr. Delfin or Mrs. Leo make it through without getting dunked? How about Mr. Deicidue or Mr. Caldwell? Does Nina need a dunking? Come to the bowl at lunch Barons, and see what happens! It’s $1.00 for 3 balls! See ya there!
Attention juniors! The class of 2015 hoodies have been delivered! If you have ordered a hoodie from Junior Commission, you can pick them up today at lunch or afterschool with Ms. Silvertooth’s in Room 301! Remember to show your id card and get them before Spring Break!
Hey Barons, don’t forget today in the cafeteria from 3:30-5:30 CSF is hosting S(HAIR) the Love today! Donate at least 8 inches of your hair or get a trim and give a monetary donation! Permissions slips available from Mr. Walter’s in the guidance office or print one from fountainvalleycsf.
Here are your morning announcements for Monday, April 7, 2014…
Congratulations to our very own Fountain Valley percussion ensemble! They pulled it off! They went UNDEFEATED against all competitors in their division this season! Way to go percussion! That means, in the fall AND the spring seasons, they went undefeated all year long. What an accomplishment!
Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball team for their 7-1 win against Edison HS. Edison came into the game ranked 7th in CIF. Scott Schultz pitched 5 innings giving up one run for his 3rd win in league and 5th win overall. The Barons offense was led by Junior Aguilar who had 3 hits and Willie Aguilar had two hits. Both drove in 2 runs apiece. The Barons have outscored their Sunset League opponents 39-9. The Barons host Los Al this Tuesday at home and travel to Los Al on Thursday. The Barons would like to thank all the teachers and administration who have attended their games thus far. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to watch some baseball!
The JV Baseball Team beat Edison by a score of 4 to 2 on Friday and were led by a strong pitching performance from Brenner Seannoa [See-uh-no-uh], who threw a complete game with 3 strike outs. Offensively, the Barons’ runs came from key hits by Azael Peralta and Marc Tucker, who each had 2 runs batted in.
Congratulations to the Freshman Baseball team for the dominant performance against Edison on Friday. Trevor Staffieri’s 2-run double got the offense going in the first innings. Andrew Sanchez added a 2-run single in the second inning and Justin Mazzone’s 2-run single kept the powerful Baron offense rolling. Ryan Foster scored 3 times en route to a 12-4 victory. On Saturday, the freshman took on Cypress. Blake Mielke hit a 2-run triple and Ryan Limbach’s RBI single helped the Barons come from behind to defeat Cypress 7 to 5. Parker Smith pitched 4 strong innings. The Freshman Baseball team is undefeated in the Sunset League and are 13 and 2 overall.
This past weekend was the Dance Teams last competition of the season. They competed at the National Miss Dance Drill competition and ended the season strong! In the solo categories Alyssa Loeffleman placed 1st, Amanda Kolb placed 2nd and Sarah Funasaki placed 3rd. The jazz, lyrical, officers, small, medium and large hip hop teams all placed 2nd!! The Character routine placed 3rd.
Great way to end the season!
Attention Boys Soccer there will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow at lunch in Coach Smith’s room 103B. Don’t be late!
It is time for you to vote for this year’s Teacher of the Year. Ballots and ballot boxes have been placed in the Administration Office, the Activities Office, and the Library. You have until April 11th to complete and submit your ballot for this year’s best of the best teachers. Please vote for one veteran teacher and one teacher who is new to Fountain Valley High School this school year. ANYONE can vote: Students, Parents, Staff, and Administrators. Help PTSA choose the Teachers of the Year!
Hey Barons! Need that new spring hair do? Want to fight the cause against cancer? Then come and S(HAIR) the Love this Friday, on April 11th. CSF will be hosting a hair donation event from 3:30-5:30 in our school’s cafeteria. Donate at least 8 inches of your hair for cancer or get a trim and give a monetary donation! Please pick up a permission slip from Mr. Walter’s in the guidance office or print one from fountainvalleycsf.wordpress.
Do you like burritos, salad bowls or tacos? If so, join Junior Commission and support the Class of 2015 tomorrow night at the Brookhurst and Garfield Chipotle from 5-8 PM. Please download the digital flyer on the Facebook event page or get on from any Junior Commission member or from Ms. Silvertooth in room 301! Each purchase will help Junior Commission raise funds to organize all the amazing senior events for the graduating Class of 2015. So let’s grab a burrito tomorrow and make our senior year the best it can be!
Here are your morning announcements for Friday, April 4, 2014…
A HUGE congratulations to the FVHS Pep Squad for their performances at last weekend’s USA National Competition. Both the Cheer and Song competition teams had awesome performances, and the Song team went on to Sunday’s finals to crush Edison! GREAT JOB to all pepsters for an awesome competition season!
Congratulations to the Freshman Baseball team for their 6 to 1 victory over Marina. The win keeps the Freshman in 1st place and undefeated in the Sunset League. Pitchers Ryan Foster and Jared Brand were outstanding. Blake Mielke crushed his first ever high school home run and Isaac Campbell’s RBI triple gave the Barons the lead. Andrew Sanchez hit a bases loaded three run double to seal the victory.
Congratulations to the Boys and Girls track teams for sweeping Edison on all levels.
Girls Varsity, FV 91- Edison 41; Girls JV FV 96 – Edison 31; Girls Frosh/Soph FV 116 – Edison 18
On the Boys side …Boys Varsity FV 82- Edison 49; Boys JV FV 90 – Edison 43;
Boys Frosh/Soph, FV 71- Edison 64. The Barons also faced Huntington Beach and swept them on all levels as well. Great job track!
Congratulations to Boys Tennis for their victory over Newport Harbor, beating the Sailors 12 – 6.
Congratulations to Baron Dive Team for their second meet of the season! Mackenzie Braiser placed Fourth and Sydney Benjamin Second in the JV competition. Varsity girls, Erin-Taylor Allen finished strong in Eighth place and Alyssa Loeffleman ended up in Fourth! Congratulations, girls!
Attention Boys Soccer there will be a mandatory meeting Tuesday at lunch in coach Smith’s room 103b. Don’t be late!
Congratulations to the varsity baseball team for their wins against Newport Harbor and Marina.
The Barons beat Newport Harbor 10-0 behind another strong outing by Scott Schultz. Schultz picked up his 5th win of the year. The Barons offense was led by Dillon Persingers two home runs and Brock Lundquists 4th homerun of the year. On Wednesday, The Barons pounded Marina 14-1. Hunter Margain threw 6 innings to pick up his first win of year. The offense was led by Willie Aguilar who went 3 for 4 with two homeruns and a double. Justin Cobb also hit a solo homerun for his first of the season. Daniel Rosica, Dillon Persinger, JT Navarro each had two hits. The barons travel to Edison today at 315. We hope to see you there!
Here is the other half of tonight’s line up for Dancing with the Stars!! Mrs. Anderson and Sal Ochoa, Mr. Yarnton and Alyssa Leoffelman, Mrs. Garcia and Cole Chambers, Mr. Uribe with Amanda Kolb, Mrs. Vivar with Sam Asuega and our last pair is Mr. Patton and Dezarae Jackson. Don’t miss this fun show and help support Football and the Dance team. That’s tonight in the gym at 7pm, admission is $10.00. Good Luck to all our dancers!
It is time for you to vote for this year’s Teacher of the Year. Ballots and ballot boxes have been placed in the Administration Office, the Activities Office, and the Library. You have until April 11th to complete and submit your ballot for this year’s best of the best teachers. Please vote for one veteran teacher and one teacher who is new to Fountain Valley High School this school year. ANYONE can vote: Students, Parents, Staff, and Administrators. Help PTSA choose the Teachers of the Year!
BBN applications are due THIS SUNDAY, April 6th at 11:59PM!
Attention Seniors, if you still need government service hours, Grad Night is having a work day tomorrow from 9:30-12:30pm. Just show up to the storage containers by the Tennis Courts.
This is the last week to buy Orchestra Spring Grams. Grams cost $3.00 and will be delivered in class on Friday, April 11th, periods 1-4 with a lei and a song performed by our school’s musicians. Purchase from any orchestra member. Grams are due by Tuesday, April 8th.
Here are your morning announcements for Wednesday, April 2, 2014.
Attention all boys soccer players. There will be a mandatory meeting today at lunch in room 126 to discuss Summer Camp and league.
Congratulations to the varsity boys golf team for their victory over Newport Harbor. This was their first victory over the Sailors in over 10 years. The team was led by senior captain Jeffrey Gathmann who shot an even par 36.
Congratulations to Varsity Tennis for beating HB 15 to 3 yesterday. Winston Ngo and Eric Nguyen won all of their three matches. Parker Braverman and Darrin Nguyen, Johnny Luu and Brandon Nguyen, won all of their doubles. Go Barons!
Here’s a shout out to all the fine, upstanding students we have on campus. Tina Hoang, Myles DeCourcy, Yasir Habeeb, Haley Curry, Aaron Hung; Elie Garabito, Bryce Ash, Noban Tahir, Makayla Moua, Sammy Amran, Gavin Varner, Madison Arne, Aisha Malek, Shinta Tanamas, Ryan Verdugo and Austin Jenkins have all done good deeds for their fellow Barons. We would also like to thank those who are not on the list and those who would like to remain anonymous. Barons rock!
This Friday Night… LIVE! Dancing with the Stars!! Come watch your teachers compete in our own dancing with the stars competition Friday night in the gym at 7:00pm tickets are $10.00. We have twelve couples, here is the first half of our lineup. Mr. Zick and Cheyenne Peipmeyer, Mr. Go and Mia Cha Opah, Ms. Munoz with Ryan Finely, Mrs. Marquez and Sean St. Clair, Mrs. Acosta and Tyler Vaimaona and Supervisions own, Nina Glover with Yoyi Ibrahim. Don’t miss this opportunity Barons to see your teachers get their groove on.
Final opportunity for Juniors to take a practice ACT exam this Saturday, April 5, from 9-1 a.m. at FVHS. Register at revolutionprep.com. Sophomores can get a jump start on this test. It’s only $25.
Hey, all you spirited Barons! Don’t forget if you are trying out for next year’s Cheer or Song team, you and a parent MUST attend the informational meeting tonight in the Faculty Dining Room at 7 p.m. Please see the blue flyers posted around campus, or visit their website (FVHSpepsters.weebly.com), for more information.
Fountain Valley theatre presents Mel Brooks’ musical comedy “Young Frankenstein” today is the student preview day and the show starts and runs through April 11th. All shows are at 7:30 on the FVHS globe stage. Visit www.fvhstheatre.com for tickets and information.
Freshmen, sophomores and juniors, do you want to unleash your creativity, gain valuable skills, and create long-lasting friendship? Make the best decision of your high school career now by joining the BBN class for the 2014-2015 school year! Applications are available on fvhs.com and are due by this Sunday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m.!
It is time for you to vote for this year’s Teacher of the Year. Ballots and ballot boxes have been placed in the Administration Office, the Activities Office, and the Library. You have until April 11 to complete and submit your ballot for this year’s best of the best teachers. Please vote for one veteran teacher and one teacher who is new to Fountain Valley High School this school year. Anyone can vote: students, parents, staff, and administrators. Help PTSA choose the Teachers of the Year!
Do you like burritos, salad bowls or tacos? If so, then grab some friends and come down to eat at the Brookhurst and Garfield Chipotle on Tuesday, April 8! Each of your purchase will help Junior Commission raise funds to organize all the amazing senior events for the graduating class of 2015. So let’s grab a burrito today and make our senior year the best it can be!