By Sandy Hoang
FVHS CSF, also known as the California Scholarship Federation, hosted its second annual S(hair) the Love event on April 11. All the monetary proceeds from the hair donation event went to the American Cancer Society, and the hair was donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
Sponsors for this event included Pinky’s Cupcakery, who contributed sweets for the bake sale, and Fountain Valley Hallmark. Professionals from Ooh La La Salon and Spa were giving haircuts at the event.
“I’ve donated my hair before, but since I dyed it this time around, I couldn’t give away hair so I decided to go with a monetary donation instead,” said Christine Phan (’14). “It was my first time participating in the event and I’m really glad I did because everyone was so sweet and the stylists were really glad that they had the opportunity to give back to the community.”
Jonathan Hwang (’14), who received a trim, said, “Not only do I look great, I also feel good for helping this wonderful cause.”
The club collected 206 inches of hair and raised over $180 for the American Cancer Society.
CSF co-president Elise Dang (‘14) said, “I think this event was more successful than the one we held last year because we definitely had a greater turn-out!”
“I want this event to be a tradition for FVHS CSF because it is for a great cause and, it also brings the community together,” she added.