Baseball fought a back and forth match against Edison on May 13. Despite the Baron varsity team’s struggle, Edison managed to pull the win against them that Tuesday afternoon.
From the start of the first inning, the game promised a long struggle between the two schools. The Barons played strong and charged in, trying to score the first point that would tip the game in their favor.
Starting pitchers Travis Scholderer (’14), Daniel Rosica (’14), and Justin Cobb (’15) threw difficult pitches to hit, keeping Edison at bay. And hitters Junior Aguilar (’14), Dillion Persinger (’14), and Daniel Patzlaff (’14) kept the offense rolling.
But Edison was relentless, and even towards the third inning, the score remained a flat 0-0, the two teams locked in a stalemate that was difficult to break. It seemed every ball the Baron’s sent flying would land in Edison’s hands, and the two schools struggled to be the one to pull ahead of the other.
“Nothing was going right for us,” said Justin Cobb (’15). “The other pitcher was really good.”
Towards the end of the game, depsite the Baron’s relentless struggle against the Chargers, Edison managed to score a point, raising the score to 0-1.
The Barons powered on, attempting to tie the game and if possible, overtake the other team, but despite their efforts, Edison pulled through and took the win.
The following Thursday, Barons left to fight once more against Edison. Working together and playing hard to redeem their title, the boys managed to secure a win of 9-2 against the Chargers. Daniel Patzlaff (’14) led the offense and helped put Fountain Valley in the lead shortly after the first inning.
This established baseball as the Sunset League champions for the second year in a row.
Photos by Ashley Le.