By Zainab Khan
Inspired by the book booths of New York City, sophomore students Kareem Madkour, Omar Madkour, Corey Nguyen and Celine Ton have organized a FVHS Book Booth that specializes in the “free exchanging” of books which results in the sharing of knowledge.
The FVHS Book Booth, also known as the “little free library” is placed in the English halls outside English teacher David Theriault’s room. Students are free to take a book as long as they place one back into the booth. The motto: “Take a book. Leave a Book.”
The bird house book booth was constructed by the Madkour twins and was part of the sophomores’ DIY English project.
Corey Nguyen (‘16) said, “There are no limits on the books allowed or taken, this is the community’s library, if you replace the book, it is yours, that is how the system works.”
This FVHS Book Booth runs completely on the honor system.
Nguyen (‘16) said, “Most people who love reading [take a book] because they love [reading]. They wouldn’t want to take a book without leaving one for someone else.”
The organizers aren’t sure yet if they want to expand to also include video games and movies because it might become more difficult to maintain the honor system.
For now, the book booth is here to stay and the organizers hope to make it FVHS’s legacy and expand to other schools in the district.
“Honestly, the Book Booth supports everything I love about reading, even the things that might not be facilitated in class,” Celine Ton (‘16) said.
Thumbs up! ^^ ♥