By Claire Pritchard & Jackie Liu
Prom is just around the corner, and this year’s venue offers a picture-perfect experience for students attending the dance, which will take place at Erhart’s by the Sea. Erhart’s is an oceanview facility located on the Fort McArthur Military Base in San Pedro.
However, according to the Los Angeles Times’ neighborhood map of LA County, there were 18 violent crimes and 80 property crimes within one square mile from the freeway exit to the entrance of Erhart’s between April 1 to May 20. These crimes include 20 cases of grand theft auto and 16 assaults and occurred in the vicinities of South Harbor Boulevard, South Pacific Avenue, and South Gaffey Street.
With these statistics, some are uneasy about driving through the area late at night. “It does really worry me,” said Christine Phan (’14). “My group is taking a limo, but I have a lot of friends who are driving, so I am kind of freaked out that their cars are going to get stolen.”
Administration reports that students’ safety is not in jeopardy. “San Pedro’s average crime rate is below average compared to that of California as a whole,” said Assistant Principal of Activities Joshua Lamar. “Prom is taking place on a military base, a very secure, well-protected location.”
Baron Banner contacted the Los Angeles Police Department and San Pedro High School to ask what safety precautions students should take in arriving to the venue.
“Don’t pull over at a gas station unless you know what you’re doing,” said an LAPD officer, who preferred to remain unnamed. “Pay attention while you’re driving…do anything that your parents would normally teach you.”
John Bobich, dean of San Pedro High School, which is a mile away from Erhart’s, said, “The only concern in San Pedro would be North Pacific in the later hours.”
Bobich added, “For those who get in town early I would suggest an ocean drive by the Trump Golf Course and Restaurant, and the 15-minute drive up the coast has a view that rivals Hawaii…there’s also a beautiful marina with some incredible views for a sunset photo.”
Baron Banner also asked teachers who were familiar with the area for suggestions about alternate routes students could take.
“Go from PCH to Second Street, go up Second Street and cross the bridge,” said art teacher JoAnna Jones, “and then from there you need to get off the Harbor Boulevard exit and go down around the waterfront because that is, although dodgy, not as dodgy as getting off on Gaffey Street.”
Prom tickets, which began selling today, notified students that they could not be dropped off by parents. However, this information has been changed and students can now be dropped off.
Jones had additional advice for students getting dropped off, whether by parents or limo. “Come around the military base because that end of it is very safe; you can walk a block and it’ll be okay. If you’re coming from the oceanside to the military, it’s a lot safer.”
Choir director Kevin Tison suggested that students enjoy pre-prom activities in Orange County or Long Beach before heading to the venue.
“Erhart’s [has] a gorgeous overlook of the ocean; it’s very safe and secured,” said Tison. “I would recommend visiting only Erhart’s and going straight there.”
He added, “I wouldn’t hang out in San Pedro on a Saturday night.”
Erhart’s by the Sea will no doubt provide students with a memorable prom experience; however, students should proceed with caution due to the unfamiliarity of the area.
“I would hope that students and parents exercise good judgment and normal caution when participating in this exciting event,” said Lamar.
Who chose this place?. What, nothing available in Orange County along our awesomeness coastline?. Huh?. Follow the $$$. Why place the kids in this situation?
Beacause its so dangerous in a military base.
That’s not the problem. If you actually read the article, it’s the area AROUND it that is dangerous.
i agree with the above. however what has been planned has been set I suppose. i recommend arranged chauffeur driving through limos and parent drop-offs to minimize auto thefts and other auto issues (i.e. gas).
In terms of pre-prom activities in Long Beach (if not Orange Country [though, I prefer that more]), I recommend hanging around The Pike and Shoreline Village (equivalence of Bella Terra, but with validated parking). Beware of many dark dressed jaywalkers in the area and one-way streets while driving in Downtown Long Beach. There is also Marina Pacifica Plaza on 2nd Street/PCH with Buffalo Wild Wings and other major restaurant chains there. However, there are not many significantly “fancy” locations you can go to in comparison to Huntington Beach… unless you’re going for In-N-Out.
You’ve obviously never been to the Marina Village area or Second Street itself. Pine Avenue also has a number of fine dining options. There are in fact far more “fancy” options as you put it in Long Beach due to their large convention industry. L’Opera, 555 East, The Sky Room, Sir Winston’s, Michael’s, Delius, La Traviata…this is what popped to mind in less than 10 seconds.
Given the circumstances, great job letting the students know what’s up and some helpful tips from the PDs.