by Demetria Ma, Staff Writer
Link Crew leaders welcomed incoming freshmen to Fountain Valley High School at the annual Link Crew orientation on Monday and Tuesday morning.
Before the orientation, the leaders underwent long hours of training with advisors Joanna Jones, Cory Nelson, Lauren Anderson, and Cori Brooks. The leaders learned and rehearsed various orientation activities to partake with their groups.
“I felt that the two training days for Link Crew helped to make sure that we were comfortable presenting the games to the freshmen and allowed us to understand how the games would make them feel,” said Link Crew leader, Audrey Lansdown (’15).

The two training days not only prepared the leaders for handling the new students, but also taught the importance of being role models to the freshmen.
“Being a Link Crew leader, I learned what a large impact we have on other people. I could tell that my freshmen absorbed everything I told them,” Link Crew Leader, Kim Iovine (’15), said. “I could tell that my freshmen absorbed everything I told them.”
The incoming class of 2018 totaled over 900 students and were divided up among the two orientation days by last name.
The orientation took place in the gym and inside classrooms across campus. Nelson opened the morning with friendly humor to excite the new students for the day.
After the introduction in the gym, the freshmen were gathered into assigned groups with each Link Crew Leader. Then, they were lead into classrooms to begin their orientation.
Inside the classrooms, the leaders gave high school tips and played ice-breaker games with the freshmen. The games were designed to teach the ninth graders essential tips on succeeding in high school. The games also provided an opportunity to make new friends.
“Link Crew helps make the transition to high school a little less nerve-wracking, and it hopefully shows the freshmen that high school isn’t necessarily a scary place,” said Kim D. Tran (’15).