By Albert Tang, Staff Writer
A new club directed towards those interested in the engineering fields has been established at FVHS.
“Engineering Club is made to expose students to the engineering field,” says Club President Annie Phan (‘15), “Many students, like myself, are curious about whether engineering is right for our future careers.”
Despite being a new club, Engineering Club has already planned several projects and constructions.
“We plan to do projects for each major branch of engineering, in order to teach us the basic knowledge of that specific field,” says Phan.
The members and board of Engineering Club are interested in learning more about the details of each engineering field, especially “life” as an engineer.
“We plan to bring in engineers to directly tell the students what to expect in their careers,” says Phan.
During the summer, the specialized technical members of Engineering Club completed their first construction as a club: a fully functional, multi-purpose and hand-built robot.
Engineering Club meets Fridays in Room 232, Mr. Larson’s room. The club invites anyone who has a passion in engineering.
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