by Nicole Tieu, staff writer
The FVHS Dance Team showcased their competition pieces for the first time at their annual Winter Show in the school gym on Sunday.
Doors opened at 5:30 p.m. to allow the audience to buy baked goods, enter the raffles and find their seats, however the performances did not begin until 6 p.m. Despite facing minor technical difficulties throughout the night, the crowd did not hold back their applause when dance team members appeared from behind the large, blue curtain.
“Usually right now we perform in front of a mirror and we’re either looking at ourselves or other people,” said Sarah Sulewski (’15). “It’s really a good time for us to see people’s reaction and get used to a crowd in front of us in order to prepare us to really know how to perform at competitions.”
With help from coaches Stacy Conley, Tara Bearden and Kelela Batinga, the dance team gave a glimpse of all their competition pieces including everyting from lyrical, hip hop, jazz and character. In addition, they brought back performances from the Homecoming Assembly and Glow Show. Spread out among the dances were senior solos from Cheyenne Piepmeyer (’15), Dezarae Jackson (’15), Sarah Funasaki (’15) and Lily Mooney (’15).
“When they’re a senior on dance team and work their butts off for three years now four, they’ve earned it and love this year with the pieces and special stuff they get,” said Jazz and Lyrical Coach, Tara Bearden. “They work very hard; they always do.”
Funasaki’s piece, choreographed by Bearden, was filled with emotion as she presented it for the first time in honor of her mother who is fighting cancer. The dance showcased the obstacles and struggles Funasaki faced during this tough time.
“I feel very much accomplished from like, showing my solo to everyone that was choreographed to represent my mom,” said Funasaki.
A large change from the previous year is the emergence of a boys dance team ready for competition. In the previous year, there were not enough boy members to compete. This year, the team of 10 added a comical side to the show with their self-choreographed and energy-filled performance.
“I’m really proud of the guys,” said Boys dance team captain, Ken Wada (’16). “We worked really hard for this because before we weren’t that great, but now we’re here.”
The team had been practicing since September, putting in a total of 10 hours a week, in addition to more hours before competition season. Placing second last year in the Character competition as leprechauns, the team takes on a different theme of witches.
A common goal among the dance team is obtaining the famous backpacks awarded to the first place winner of the USA Nationals Dance competitions. The team had been close to their goal several times, but haven’t been able to reach it yet. This year, the team runs into the competition season with high hopes and a fresh start, aiming to win.
“Regionals qualify you for finals and first place is a backpack that says ‘USA Finals Championship’ and we’ve been so close so many times,” said Dance Team Adviser, Jennifer Allen. “Every member gets one and it’s not the materialistic value but what it stands for.”
The show ended with a holiday medley self-choreographed by the students, which was danced at the Fountain Valley Tree Lighting the day before. For the finale, all members came together for a rendition of “Winter Wonderland” in a collective end to the show.