by Ally Lenguyen, staff writer
Friday evening, Fountain Valley High School’s senior commission put hours of hard work into play by hosting a Java night.
“It had such great vibes,” said Khoa Phan (’17). “The performers were great. It was nice to hang out with friends and enjoy a cup of joe.”
Auditions were held beforehand for those wishing to perform, and students purchased tickets at the door to listen and watch their fellow students perform. Members of senior commission were excited and pleasantly surprised by the turn out of the event.
“It went much better than I expected,” Christine Le (’15), a member of senior commission, said. “A lot of people came out to watch the performers, who were just fantastic. I was blown away by how talented some of my classmates are.”

There were several different types of performances, from songs to poems read out by the students for their peers. Senior commission put on the event to raise money for the class of 2015.
Snacks and various items were being sold as well for students to enjoy. Senior Commission hoped the event would help make grad night and various other events for the senior class cheaper and more affordable.

“I’m so proud of how Java Night turned out. The atmosphere was perfect for a rainy Friday. I really hope Java Night can become a tradition at FVHS,” said Le.