Photo by Kristie Hoang
By Albert Tang, staff writer
The FVHS Model United Nations team journeyed to Huntington Beach High school, Friday and Saturday, to make a strong performance at the Surf City Conference.
Ryan Carr (‘16), the club president, defeated the strong competition and won an award. Although the team did not win any additional awards, the conference proved a success. All delegates showed active participation, while gaining valuable competition experience.
“I think we did really well as team overall. It was a great experience to sharpen our skills and practice for next time,” said Kaity Danlinhton (’17).
The FVHS delegation represented the countries of Armenia and Myanmar. Both countries provided moderate foreign policies, which allowed the delegates to work diplomatically with representatives of other country.
While the Baron delegation performed well, they faced stiff competitions from the Huntington Beach and other teams, which, unlike FHVS, are able to provide MUN classes to hundreds of students.
“Surf City MUN was a wonderful, yet challenging experience. Fountain Valley was faced with complicated topics, large committees, and well-trained delegations from other schools. Like always, we came out successful and are grateful for our opportunity to participate,” Carr said.
The team is gaining momentum as the year progresses, with a new team and an effective executive board. Also, with advisement from history teacher David Uribe, the Model United Nations team has grown to become an organization that is able to compete with the much-larger Edison and Huntington Beach MUN classes.
The future is bright for FVHS MUN, which has increased in both membership and ability. The club has won many awards in little less than a semester and club enrollment has expanded by more 400%.
Currently, the MUN team is planning for its future conferences, with expectations to dominate at conferences at UC San Diego, University High School, Berkeley, and the University of Washington.
“As we attend more conferences and our members gain more experience, we improve dramatically as a whole,” Carr said.