Catcher Madeline Domingo (’17) awaits to catch the ball. Photo By Andy Kim.By Andy Kim, Staff Writer
The Lady Barons varsity softball team lost to their Edison rivals, with a final score of 0-13.
The Chargers’ defense held strong and the Barons struggled to overcome to challenge.
“Today, I think Edison came out to play, and we didn’t so much, and they hit the ball, and we couldn’t.” said varsity captain Audrey Lansdown (’15).
During the first inning, Taylor Golden (’17) was able to secure a hit to first base, but the inning ended before she could score. In the second inning, the Chargers were able to secure two points for their team and the score remained the same up until the fourth inning.
In the fifth inning, the score went against the Barons with two more points being scored making the score 0-4. The Chargers gained an advantage as the game started to end.

In the sixth inning, errors made by Fountain Valley made it difficult to recover. Finally, in the seventh inning, the game came to a close with the final score being 0-13. The Lady Barons made errors causing their score to stay at 0 while the opponent was able to score several more points.
“I feel like this game, we really didn’t work together as much as we usually do,” said Victoria Brito (’15). “Usually, like other games, when we have more energy, when we are at the top of the game, we can really kick butt.”