Photo by Viet Vu
by Yasir Khaleq, Staff Writer
Due to increases in labor costs, food prices, paper supplies, and equipment needs, the cafeteria increased their prices and brought in interesting new items to freshen up their selection.
“The cafeteria meal prices have not increased in over 8 years! The decision to increase a few items was based on several factors. With any business there are costs associated with the business,” Valerie Davis, head of cafeteria staff, said.
The most notable change this year has been the price increase of combo meals. Instead of the $3 that it has been the price for so long, it has now increased to $3.50. Also, cookies have gone up to 50 cents due to the size of the cookie also increasing. Seasoned potato wedges have gone from 60 cents to 75 cents. In addition to new prices, there are new items for students to enjoy as well.
“We began making hand made yogurt parfaits with fresh fruit and granola, Naked Juice, and a new vegetarian option of a bagel and yogurt cold combo is now available during lunch. Our new pizza supplier is Papa John’s and the a la carte sized slice has increased,” Davis said.
As well as new items available right now, there are others coming soon.
“In the next few weeks, we will be bringing new menu items such as: chicken and rice burritos, tamales, and pulled pork sandwiches. We are anticipating the classic outside BBQ will also be returning,” Davis said.
The process of bringing all these new items and deciding new prices is very student oriented, so the menu reflects what the students want.
“The Food and Nutrition Services Team of HBUHSD met with student advocates over summer to sample new items that were available. The items must meet strict government regulations before any decisions can be made to place items onto the menu. At FVHS, I take feedback from meetings of student bodies as well as try new products with students who work in the cafeteria,” said Davis.
Milk, juice, baked chips, all beverages, and all breakfast meal prices have not changed in price from last year.