Emma Lyall (’16) and Rebecca Schoon (’18) organize clothes from Stussy Photo by: Aozora Ito
by Aozora Ito and Cecilia Nguyen, Staff Writers
This Saturday, Fountain Valley High School Dance Team hosted the annual Stussy Outlet Sale in front of FVHS.
For over six years, FVHS Dance Team has been hosting the sale, and they get a certain amount of proceeds in return. They have been partnering up with Stussy to earn money to decrease the cost that dancers have to pay for coach time, uniforms, and etc.
According to the Dance Team Booster, Vice President Beverly Lyall, the dance team earns hundreds of dollars from the sale.
Stussy is a street wear clothing brand and private company. They come and bring their clothing for the outlet sales, and FVHS Dance Team helps set and work the event for the whole day.
“It helps them [Stussy] because they have a place to sell all of their merchandise, and they have people that follow their Stussy sales all over southern California,” Lyall said.
Kiet Diep (‘17), a customer of the Stussy Outlet, enjoyed having a warehouse sale nearby since usually they are out really far in the industry areas. He said that having one especially at school was nice and convenient.
“I think the sale is actually really good because usually this brand is really expensive,” Anh Nguyen (‘19), another customer, said.
The Stussy outlet sale contains shirts, sweaters, backpacks, pants and many more that have been marked down 50% and sometimes even more. A crewneck sweater that originally costs $60 is reduced to $24.
“The customers win because they get really prices. Stussy wins because they have a place to sell their merchandise. The dance team wins because we earn money,” Lyall said.
Accommodating the Stussy sale seemed to have its advantages for everyone.
“It’s a great community event and everybody benefits,” added Lyall.