The woes of college applications and common life

Linh Nguyen ('16) happily fills out her Common App. Photo by Edward Fahman

Linh Nguyen (’16) happily fills out her Common App. Photo by Edward Fahmanby Brandon Nguyen, Staff Writer

Despite the Common Application deadline quickly approaching, college applications aren’t the only thing that students are worrying about.

“Colleges apps on top of regular school work was a trainwreck, and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy,” said Jean Moo.

Many seniors applying for admissions to a college for the fall semester are under a lot of stress. In order to apply for a University of California, a student must write two separate personal statements. Additionally, students that wish to apply to a college under the Common Application had to not only write another personal statement but also answer school specific questions on the application.

“Based on one applications, college determines whether or not they want to admit you. So that means any if you miss any sort of information or have mistakes it could affect your admission status,” said Victor Nguyen (’16).

Most schools have a deadline before or near January. However, even though most applications have been turned in it’s not just college application that are causing nervousness. Many students are now worried about the aftermath of their applications as they must now wait until March for the letter informing them if they have been accepted or rejected.

“Now what’s stress is the waiting game in order for the colleges to accept me,” said Nguyen.

Students are also worried about other things besides college applications. Even with their college applications done they are still students at Fountain Valley High School. They wills till have to keep themselves busy avoiding what seniors fondly refer to as “senioritis.”

“I have three tests and two projects I have to cram in this week,” said Jeffrey Nguyen (’16). To be honest, I shouldn’t be stressing out over this because I ended up procrastinating, but hey, a two week stress free break is heading my way after this week.”

However, some students are feeling little to no pressure at all resulting from college applications. In fact some are excited about them and cannot wait for the day that their letters finally come.

“I wouldn’t say I am nervous, it is more like I am eager to know the results and where I got accepted,” said Ali Rehman (’16).