By Yasir Khaleq, staff writer
Fountain Valley High School’s ASB surprises the students of FVHS with an impressive “Share the Love” display of affection and acceptance with paper hearts plastered all over the school and an encouraging guest speaker.

“[Share the love] is a way to make all the students feel loved. We’re sharing the love!” said member of the student culture commissioner Taylor Carr (’16).
A continuation of last year’s event, this year’s “Share the Love” event added new elements aside as well the personal hearts seen by students last year: message of self-acceptance from guest speaker and FVHS Alumni Richard Kuo. Kuo gave a speech about toleration and self-acceptance.

“We’re trying to promote acceptance and self love and all of us are just love each other as a school” said Carr’s fellow commission member Miriam Benyameen (’16)
The loving message was certainly felt, as each heart clearly displayed enormous effort, considering there was a heart for each of the almost four thousand students here at FVHS.
“We had to make copies of the hearts on paper and printed all that out, and cut it all out, and we took a list from the district of every student, and wrote every single one down” said Carr.

A great amount of planning was thus put into this event.
“Its time consuming to hand write all the hearts and cut out all the hearts. We started at my house last Saturday, and we spent the whole day at my house just writing all the names on all the hearts. Ever since then we’ve just been working,” said Benyameen.
The commissioners hope that this event will continue for years to come.
“It’d be cool if it was continued because its a really nice way to show the students we love them” said Benyameen