by Celine Hoang, Cayla Nguyen, and Cecilia Nguyen, Staff Writers
To finish off the Sweetheart series, here are some of FVHS’s most eligible Bachelors and Bachelorettes.
Emily Troung (’19):

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’4
Favorite color: Navy
Hobbies: Drawing & Playing guitar
Sports: Field hockey & Track
Ideal first date: An amusement park or carnival in which we can both enjoy and take cute pictures
What you look for in a boy: Well-mannered, humorous, sweet
Favorite movie: The Incredibles
Pet peeves: Ignorant replies, Stubbornness
Pets: Pitbull, named Hunter, Pugs, named Bean & Cookie
Type of music: Rock
Extracurriculars: Key Club, sports, Guitar concerts, Guitar TV airings & guitar school
Personality: bubbly and energetic
Dustin Truong (’19):

Hair: Medium length, Black
Eyes: Dark brown, if you stare long enough
Height: 5’ 6”
Favorite Color: Black
Hobbies: Drawing
Sports: Lion Dancing
Ideal first date: Give me a good time and I’ll give it back tenfold
What you look for in a girl: Someone who is really open and is able to talk to me seriously, but still have fun
Favorite movie: Ted
Pet peeves: When people argue, but they still don’t know anything about the topic
Pets: No pets, unless you consider my sibling
Type of music: All types of music
Extracurriculars: Lion dancing
Personality: funny, open, and able to talk to
Amy Tran (’18):

Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’3
Favorite color: Tiffany blue
Hobbies: Piano, Basketball, Art
Sports: Field Hockey and Track & Field
Ideal first date: Carnivals & theme parks are great! Rides! Cute pictures! Food! Stuffed Animals! It really can’t get any better!
What you look for in a boy: Someone who’s sweet & Can make me laugh
Favorite movie: any one of the rush hour movies!
Pet peeves: Rude people
Pets: None, but I really want a pug
Type of music: I listen to all types of music it really just depends on my mood.
Extracurriculars: Live to Free, Cappies, Volunteering, Make-A-Wish
Theo Nguyen (‘18):

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’7
Favorite color: Blue
Hobbies: Volleyball, Piano
Sports: Volleyball, Swimming
Ideal first date: Probably something really cheesy like a walk on the beach and a picnic
What you look for in a girl: Someone that is very loving and caring with a great personality. Very down to Earth and not easily jealous. Oh yeaah someone that has the same interests in like food, music, and sports.
Favorite movie: Despicable Me 2
Pet peeves: When someone smacks on their food or chews with their mouth open.
Pets: Dogs
Type of music: Hip Hop and Rap
Extracurricular’s: Volleyball, TNTT (Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Society), Church, Piano,
Personality: Caring, Intelligent, Easy going, social, always eager to help
Aileen Nguyen (’16):

Hair: Dark Brown with tons of sun damage
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’3
Favorite color: It changes every week but right now it’s Lilac!
Hobbies: I enjoy reading, knitting, scrapbooking, going to the beach, listening to font podcasts, spending time with friends, hiking, and doing anything crafty!
Sports: I don’t really watch sports normally but I do love watching the Olympics! Volleyball, dive, gymnastics, track, tae kwon do, swim,you name it!
Ideal first date: Hiking in the morning in Malibu then going to Santa Monica for some brunch, exploring the city, and then ending the day with a nice drive down PCH
What you look for in a girl/boy: A nice smile and a genuine personality is always nice but what I really admire is a guy who has a drive to do something with his life (even if he doesn’t know what he’s going to do).
Favorite movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2
Pet peeves: I don’t like to say I have any pet peeves because I end up doing those things myself… but I guess one thing would be when people don’t recycle.
Pets: None because my parents don’t like animals but if I could I would get a Chow Chow.
Type of music: Anything! Even country!
Extracurriculars: I am the media commissioner for ASB and the Editor in Chief of yearbook! I’m the Key Club treasurer and Division News Editor, publicist for Girls’ League and the Secretary for NHS. I am also a part of CSF and MUN. Outside of school, I also love volunteering at the hospital and going to scouts.
Personality: I’m super nerdy especially with my love for Harry Potter, superhero movies, and now recently starwars.I also tend to know a plethora or random facts and I actually do like reading. I’m not really an outgoing person and can be very awkward but I really do love people and I love meeting new people. I’m the type of person who loves keeping busy.
Ej Tug (‘16)

Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5’4
Favorite color: Consular Green
Hobbies: League of Legends
Sports: Ping Pong
Ideal first date: Hulu and Hang
What you look for in a girl: A great personality and smile
Favorite movie: Titanic
Pet peeves: When they don’t do their homework so they ask to copy mine.
Pets: Adopted a monkey named Reginald
Type of music: EDM, Classic Rock
Extracurriculars: Band
Personality: Energetic, Studious