by Cecilia Nguyen, Staff Writer
Over the weekend on Friday, March 18, and Saturday, March 19, Fountain Valley High School Dance Team attended their last competition of the season at United Spirit Association (USA) Nationals at the Anaheim Convention Center.
The Fountain Valley dance team placed fourth in Varsity Jazz in the open category, fifth in Character and Large Hip Hop, and tenth in Medium Hip Hop. Despite the rankings, no teams were qualified for finals.
However, that did not reflect the hard work and dedication that was put in for each performance.
“I think every team worked hard and looked great, and that is all that is in our control,” said Dance Team Coach Kelela Batinga.
A dancer was recently injured on the team which left her unable to perform right before State and Nationals. This lead to formation changes and replacements for the entire team.
“She’s a big asset to our team, and we had to change it all up the week before. We practiced really hard individually and as a group, and I feel like we did just as well as we would with her,” said Dance Team Captain Anna Loeffelman.

Not letting this issue set them back, the team worked even harder to perform their best and it showed in their final work.
“The team has improved tremendously throughout the season…The level of dancing and commitment increased greatly,” said Batinga.