by Linh Nguyen, Staff Writer
With a red, rubber ball in hand and a couple of friends, Nathan Quach (’16) started a handball league at FVHS.
In February, Quach was in economics class when he asked if the other students wanted to join him in a game of handball. They agreed and he brought in a ball the next day.
“School is boring and I wanted to make it fun,” said Quach.
At first, the group met every lunch to play against the wall next to the gym. However, after about a week of playing, supervision disbanded them. So, they began playing on a wall next to room 306 and still are to this day.
Most of the players on the league are seniors. However, Quach has faith in William Tran (’19), hoping that he will help keep this tradition continuing on for years to come.

“Hopefully, our legacy can live on through freshman William Tran,” said Quach.
Yet Tran is skeptical about the league lasting after the senior members leave.
“While I would like to continue the league through my high school career, it will not be able to survive without the help of other students,” said Tran.