Photos by Amy Vu and Kaitlyn Ngo, Staff Photographers
Every freshman has different expectations and experiences during their first year of high school. We went around and asked some students about what their initial expectations of high school were and what their experiences have been like so far.
“[High school has] been really fun because I like to met new people and that new clubs new sports. There are a variety of people, clubs, and sports. I don’t like how the doorways of the halls are small and crowded. I felt like the bathrooms would be bigger, but they’re pretty small. I’m looking forward to the bell game, I’ve heard a lot of good things about it and the spirit,” said Janel Tran (’20).
“I had several expectations for high school like meeting new people and having a good time in classes. I experienced disappointment when I expected my first year of high school to be easy with little homework, and it turned out otherwise.In high school, I am looking forward to playing on the tennis team and having fun in clubs. But right now, I’d like summer to be back where I wouldn’t have a lot of homework and could do fun things I wanted,” said Jason Vu (’20).
“My high school expectations were pretty standard I guess. I got to meet a lot of new people so that was fun. I think I’m most looking forward to the classes. I’m really excited to see how they are and to meet new faces. A disappointment I had was the locker sizes, they are pretty small,” said Melodee Tran (‘20).
“High school has been pretty good, I’ve joined chess club and KIWIN’s so far. Making new friends and people has been fun. [High school] has been fine so far, except for Accelerated Biology. It takes a long time to do, but it’s not hard. I’m also aiming for all A’s this year,” said Dylan Nguyen (‘20).
“I expected that [high school] was going to be really crowded, and it is. But I also expected that it was going to be really fun and it has been so far. I am looking forward to the bell game the most,” said Caitlyn Weight (’20).