Students of Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) describe their various Halloween plans for after reverse modified Monday.
“I think I’m going to stay home for awhile. Probably going to give out candy and stay at home like last year. Halloween is fun, I guess. I mean it’s fun getting free candy but you get too old for it and you don’t really go. I usually [go] with friends or family and childhood friends,” said Richard Medina (‘19).
For Halloween, I am dressing up at school as Ash Ketchum from Pokemon. It’s a minimum bell schedule on Monday so I plan to go out but not too late of course probably until nine or ten. I’m going trick or treating because who doesn’t like free candy. My friends are dressing up as one of your ideas actually, the 404 no costume. That was actually pretty cool. I’m just going to go trick or treating in a big group with my track family,” said Brigitte Cung (‘19).
“For Halloween, I was going to hang out with two of my good friends, Celine and Taya, and we were thinking of looking as young as we can so we can go around trick or treating and not being called out for being teenagers trick or treating. And we were gonna go to really rich Newport neighborhoods because the houses are so beautiful and go trick or treating there. And then we’re gonna donate the candy that we got. We’re thinking that the middle school that we went to, Fulton, does this thing every year where they do extra credit for donation for candy for P.E. students. So I don’t know where to donate it to, so I just leave it with Fulton and they take care of it. We just put [the candy] in a big bag, a big Ziploc bag, and we drop it off at Fulton, you know, the day after Halloween and they take care of it. They donate it for us, and I know it’s going to a good cause. I just like to be with friends and have fun for Halloween,” said Danielle Joly (‘17).
“I plan to go trick or treating costume with my cousin in costume. We’re gonna go over to my cousin’s house and go trick or treating there. I plan to dress up at Egon the ghostbuster, my sister is also gonna be a ghostbuster. It’s a trench coat with a black backpack with lots of weird tubes. My halloween tradition is just to eat my candy!” said Brett McCready (‘18).
“I’m going to go trick or treating with my friends. We’re going to one of my friend’s houses and then we’re going around to the houses in the neighborhood. We were gonna figure something to do as group like superheroes or something like that! I hope to get lots of candy! I expect lots people to dress up as clowns this year, not only because of the sightings, because they just wanna freak people out. I’m definitely looking forward to Halloween because it’s something I celebrate every year,” said Clarice Navarro (‘20).
“I’m just going to a party. A lot of people are going to be there. There’s gonna be like dancing. It’s gonna be at a house. It’s more like a lot of friends and people from this school. You can wear costumes. You don’t have to, but it’s recommended. [The party is going to be] pretty much just a lot of dancing with a lot of music,” said Ethan Le (‘17).
“I’m going to go trick or treating. I don’t know [what I’ll dress up as]. Oh yeah! I know! I’m going to be a princess. So I’m going to wear a tiara and a bright pink tutu and sparkly high heels. I’m going [to go trick or treating] with friends,” said Lauren Bryant (‘20).
“On Halloween I’ll probably be at my friend’s house having a little dress up party and potluck to celebrate Halloween, even though it’s going to be on a Monday. The theme isn’t decided yet, we’re still working out the detail. We’re not sure what we’re going to dress up as yet, but I was thinking of perhaps dressing as Jesus. Some things we like to do during Halloween are bobbing for apples, dressing up, and passing out candy to kids in the neighborhood during Halloween because it’s pretty fun,” said Ahmed Abdelhady (‘18).