by Aminah Khan, Staff Writer and Photographer
Clint Walter, guidance counselor at Fountain Valley High School gives a recap of the second time he has participated in the staff selected conceptual office redesign.
This contest has become an annual event in Kerry Doll’s Advanced Environmental Design class here at Fountain Valley High School. This year, the contest took place during late December.
As a second time participant in this contest, Walters explains the designing process.
“[Students] interviewed me initially about my likes and dislikes in my office,” he said.
Walters also shared details about the creation of their designs and how the students prepared for it. .
“The student came multiple times, multiple visits to measure the dimensions of my office, the dimensions of my furniture, the decor,” he said.
The students presented their final products for their conceptual designs to Walters when they were completed. He provided feedback, and although not every design personally fitted him, he still appreciated the design itself and the work that went into it.
“Near the end of the project, I was invited into the Advanced Environmental Design class. There was a visual and oral presentation and I gave them some input and a grade. One student over another adhered to my personal likes and dislikes more than the other one but even the other design was nice,” Walters said.
Needless to say, both students did a good job in creating a conceptual design that impressed the staff.