After hours of preparation by the Associated Student Body (ASB), athletes, dancers, choir, Royal Regiment members, teachers and more, the annual Winter Assembly held by Fountain Valley High School’s ASB was performed. This year, to showcase the 2016-2017 winter season sports, ASB chose to do a cinematics-themed assembly called “Click”.
After a performance by the Troubadours choir, the hosts of the assembly were seen on a couch trying to decide what movie to watch when they were sucked into the television screen. As the assembly progressed, the hosts clicked through various different movies with a television remote they have to find in each scene in attempts to escape. While switching between movies, different sports captains were announced and new performances were delivered by the dance, cheer, and song teams, drumline, color guard and ASB. The assembly ended with a group performance by everyone involved in the assembly of “You’re the One that I Want” and “We Go Together” from the movie Grease.
Trevor Staffieri (’17) battles in a riff off against Senior Troubadours. Photo by Calvin Tran
Lily Orlando (’17) performing a short solo in her dance routine. Photo by Sandra On.
The Varsity Song Team performs a routine at the Winter Assembly lead by Captain Monet Favreau (’17). Photo by John Le.
Varsity Cheer finishes their Winter Assembly routine with a pyramid lead by captains Kyleigh Palacios (’17) and Brittany Rochow (’17). Photo by Calvin Tran.
Varsity Girls Basketball Captain, Emily White (’17), battles in a riff off with a group of Troubadours. Photo by Sandra On.
FVRR Drumline showcase beats to get the crowd cheering. Photo by Sandra On.
Varsity Wrestling Captains, Merrick O’Donnell (’17) and Karson Ayres (’17) help the emcees find the remote to get them back home. Photo by Sandra On.
Dance Captains Heaven Cha (’17) and Madi Haney (’17) perform an upbeat dance routine. Photo by Sandra On.
FVRR Color Guard kick off the assembly with some mesmerizing rifle and flag spinning. Photo by John Le.
Teachers Todd Yarnton, Jim Diecidue, Mark Olsberg and Gerado Gonzales play the role of greasers based on the classic film Grease. Photo by John Le.
Boys and Girls Basketball Captains and Emcees win the Riff Off against Troubadours. Photo by Sandra On.
The whole crowd stands as Troubadours perform the National Anthem. Photo by Calvin Tran.
The FVRR Snares perform a show stopping performance lead by Captain Michael Rousseau. Photo by Calvin Tran.
Cheer performs a routine to get the crowd cheering for the 2017 Winter assembly. Photo by Sandra On.