by John Le and Aminah Khan, Staff Writers and Photographers
Students of Fountain Valley High School open up to their thoughts about the new face of education, Betsy Devos. Here are some of their reactions.
“She’s representing the public schools and she has always sent her kids to private schools, so I don’t know if she’ll be right for the fit. However, she has donated money for public schools; I have my expectations but they’re not too high,” said Anthony Aslayan (’20). Photo by John Le.
“I think she’s under-qualified to be Secretary of Education. She doesn’t work as part of education, never attended a public school, and her children haven’t either,” said Maya Bello (’20). Photo by John Le.
“I think her plans are kind of different from what the previous secretary of education planned and I think she might change the education system a bit but I’m not sure if it would be for the better or for the worse,” said Cindy Khong (’18). Photo by Aminah Khan.
“Honestly, when I found out that she was going to be Secretary of Education, I was scared about our graduating class having trouble finding financial aid because the Secretary of Education should represent everyone from all types of incomes and during her discussion with Senator Elizabeth Warren, it seemed as though she didn’t know what she was doing and she didn’t have any idea how financial aids programs work. As someone from a low income family, that kind of scares me and I also think about other low income families as well,” said Johnson Huynh (’17). Photo by Aminah Khan.
“I think she is unqualified and she is very ignorant and she was obviously placed by Mr. Trump not because of credentials but because of association,” said Jonathon Tsai (’19). Photo by Aminah Khan.
I think she’s under prepared for the position she’s put in and her views on education and how it should be run are very unconventional and probably not the best for out country right now. I would highly recommend she step down from her position. She doesn’t really meet any of the qualifications that our county is looking for in a secretary of education and there are a lot of other candidates that could do her job better,” said Taylor Vu (’19). Photo by Aminah Khan.
Disclaimer: Baron Banner does not endorse these opinions. These are the unedited opinions of Fountain Valley students.