The Struggles of the Theatre Room
by Isabella Purdy, Staff Writer
If you have ever been to a theatre production of our very talented Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) you have probably noticed the small size of the theatre room where the productions take place. The room is well, puny, compared to the stage of The Academy of the Performing Arts, (APA) an impressive auditorium with seating and everything.
It wouldn’t be such a shock that the members of theatre are in fact, jealous of APA and their auditorium. When asked about it, Michael Bell (‘20) rolled his eyes and exclaimed,
“Of course we are!”
The theatre group isn’t the only to one to suffer from the lack of a proper auditorium or stage. The Dance and Song Team also have to deal with this dilemma. Not only is room very small, it is also quite dirty, making it hard to practice routines with limited mobility and space, when compared to where they will actually be performing.
“Alright, we’ve gotta figure this out somehow.. Sixteen scenes in Music Man… Small stage… What are we going to do?!”
Bell joked in response when asked about Music Man and the struggles of a small stage with many different scenes and background changes. But somehow, they made it all work.
The theatre room isn’t the only place that has hosted productions. The bowl hosted The Wizard of Oz last year instead of it being held in the room. Our school may be huge, but surprisingly, there really isn’t room for a proper stage for our Theatre classes.