By Cecilia Nguyen, News Editor & Lauren Nguyen, Staff Writer
For this new school year, Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) has implemented a new schedule. Previously known as Baron Academic Time (BAT), students will now have what’s simply called Break after second period.
Break is an 11-minute time period where students can do anything from getting help from their teachers to visiting the snack bar. However, students will still have the usual seven-minute passing period following second period. In total, students have 18 minutes before they need to arrive to their third period class.
In years previous, BAT served as a de facto study hall in which students stayed in their third period class. Although some teachers varied with their BAT policies, most teachers restricted their students from going outside. This restriction is the main difference between the Break and BAT.
“We are giving students the ability to choose what they do during this time. They can choose to use the time for their academic needs or use the time as a positive unrestrictive outlet,” said Smith.
The central reason for Break was to allow students to have a healthy pause throughout a stressful school day.
“We see too many students exhausted by the end of the day often using their lunchtime to meet with teachers or a guidance specialist. This is something that we could all utilize during a long day,” said Principal Morgan Smith.
This topic was brought up amongst the school staff when they noticed the subdued mood of students throughout the day. While giving time for students to refuel, Break also does not impact the FVHS bell schedule.
“The conversation started with our teachers seeing students in their classrooms, especially during the spring testing season. Students felt overwhelmed and exhausted. Building a break into the schedule that just replaced BAT is quick and does not affect our start and end times and the total number of instructional minutes,” said Smith.
FVHS administration hopes students will take advantage of the flexible break time.
“We hope that the Break will give students a healthy pause in an otherwise overwhelming day so that students can be mindful of their mental, physical and socio-emotional health,” said Smith.
Students can find the new bell schedule here.