By Suzane Jlelati, Staff Writer
Juniors Huy Truong, Sean Iida, Dan Le and Nathan Tran made a Scream like Goku event that would be held at the Paul Berger’s gymnasium at 3 p.m on Sept. 15.
Since the event was originally created as a joke, Truong did not expect anyone to show up to the gym. The turnout was unexpected. With its rapid popularity on Facebook, 122 people “went” to the event and 127 indicated “interested.” A disclaimer put up on the event page was to ‘run like Naruto if supervision comes for you.’
“When I went on my timeline, I was like ‘what the heck’, all these people are actually joining this thing,” said Truong.
Prior to the event, the boys were wondering whether or not people would actually come. But right as the 6th period bell rang, students began lining up outside the gym near the cafeteria and senior Yasir Khaleq led the entire event from start to finish.
Two minutes before the event began, Khaleq started a vlog with help from a Baron Broadcast News (BBN) member, to hold the camera and commemorate the event. He even began a countdown, catching students’ attention as he and his friends made their way to the gym. Gradually, students starting coming out and gathering around the gym.
“I have to give credit for Huy Truong who’s a junior, he’s the one that made this event and made me a host. I only decided to go out and do that 10 minutes before because Huy told me ‘You have guts, I know you’ll go out and do it; I know that you’ll go out and Goku scream,’”said Khaleq.
At exactly 3 p.m, with at least a hundred students gathered in a circle around Khaleq and the cameraman, Khaleq began the screaming and everyone followed suit, screaming for a solid minute. Students from all corners pulled out their phones to record the event. Students even ran like Naruto after the screaming ended.
“I don’t have any words, I didn’t think anyone would actually come out. It’s kind of surprising,” said Truong.
Truong himself did not participate in the event and placed himself at the back of the crowd, spectating and laughing as his unintended joke unfolded before him.
Students and teachers alike gathered around the crowd in shock, being caught off guard by at least 30 head strong students who let out their thunderous, undying Goku screams. The event brought at least 100 spectators.
“It shows our Baron spirit because at Edison, you’re not going to get that, at Huntington Beach you’re not going to get that, they’re too apathetic about school but here at Fountain Valley we really care about the four years that we have together and we love having fun, we love messing around. It just shows the community we have here at Fountain Valley, that any ridiculous plan we have, we will do. It was fun while it lasted. Always remember, never forget Krillin,” said Khaleq.