In the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Fountain Valley High School (FVHS) students shed light on the matter.
“I haven’t heard a tragedy so sad with so many deaths in one shooting in a very long time. There were 60 deaths and 500 injuries, so it’s extremely heartbreaking and crazy to believe. However, I don’t know if making stricter gun control laws could prevent situations like these since I can see it in both perspectives. I think having less guns would be better since we’re losing more lives than saving them, but the truth is that all of these guns used in the shootings are often obtained illegally. I don’t think making the gun control laws stricter would make a big difference, so it’s a really hard situation. I’ll keep praying for the victims and their families and hope this never happens again,” said senior Alisha Nguyen.
“It was unfortunate that a gunman attacked all those innocent people. Because of that, I think there should be some sort of reforms on gun laws. It’s become a norm that shootings are a common thing in society and it’s an unfortunate thing that every time there’s a shooting, we get used to it. I think there should be more thorough background checks to ensure that no one with a capability of hurting others would own guns,” said senior Ly Nguyen.
“I feel that the incident was horrific and very sad. In my opinion, I think that the police and security could’ve done more to keep the concert more secure and safe for its attendants. In the future I believe there should be increase security to keep people safe. I have family that live close to where the incident happened and I’m glad that they weren’t at the concert. I think gun control should definitely be stricter and enforced more tightly, said senior Shayleen Naiuli.
“I feel like the Las Vegas incident doesn’t really match up because the [suspect] is an innocent old man, but he managed to kill so many people. So, I’m not sure if they caught the right guy, but still, the situation is very sad. Regarding gun control laws, I think that stores that sell guns should have some sort of special form you must fill out and put down your background information just to be sure,” said freshman Jimmy Tran.
“I thought the event was very sad because no one knew what was happening, they had to get down and they couldn’t really do anything in self defense. The man was attacking the group of people and they had no idea what to do. I pray for the families and everyone that was affected because the entire experience was very traumatic and terrible. I think there should be more regulations on gun control and increased security to prevent incidents like this in the future, said sophomore Brandon Crabtree.
“I think it really sucks because it’s one person who gets angry about one thing who decides to take it out on dozens and dozens of people. Its just one person. I feel like we should have stricter gun control because anyone can obtain them easily. People don’t need to be of a certain status, if a person is of age, anyone can get one. I don’t believe looser gun control laws are the answer because if someone is shooting someone, it is not likely they’ll be prepare. People will be confused and most likely not be able to react on time,” said sophomore Kristina Diep.